Ä Z2-M-ENET.SYSOP (2:244/1120) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ENET.SYSOP Ä Msg : #2580 [2588] +2587 Uns By : Alex Woick 2:244/1500 Fre 23 Mar 07 20:07 To : Mithgol the Webmaster Subj : Bad News ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Hallo Mithgol, AW>>>> year day date entries AW>>>> '1995', '328', '1995-11-24', 39827 MW> What was the tool that counted entries? I tried ColdNode+ MW> * Compiling nodelists: MW> * \--nodelist.328 Nodes read: 39190 Total read: 39190 I counted all entries with an appropriate sql statement from my database: select year, day, date, count(id_nl_entry) from nodelist join nl_entry using (id_nodelist) group by year, day, date order by count(id_nl_entry) desc GoldNode seems to count only the "Node" entries (I counted all non-comment entries including Zone, Region, Host, etc.) Let's try... the query that selects only nodes gives us this: select year, day, date, count(id_nl_entry) from nodelist join nl_entry using (id_nodelist) join nl_line using (id_nl_line) join nl_node using (id_nl_node) where keyword='Node' group by year, day, date order by count(id_nl_entry) desc year day date entries '1995', '328', '1995-11-24', 37086 '1995', '349', '1995-12-15', 37058 '1995', '342', '1995-12-08', 37032 '1995', '321', '1995-11-17', 37019 '1995', '356', '1995-12-22', 37019 Thats much less. Well, then GoldNode counts some of the admin nodes also. MW> For sanity check, the nodelist header itself is MW> ;A FidoNet Nodelist for Friday, November 24, 1995 -- Day number 328 : MW> 41103 No, that is not the list I used. My list has this crc info: ;A FidoNet Nodelist for Friday, November 24, 1995 -- Day number 328 : 17733 You have perhaps a nodelist generated by Z1C or by another ZC. My nodelists are almost all generated by Z2C. You can see which ZC generated it by looking at the first zone listed. MW> So there is no site with nodelist statistics, is there? I have not found any. But I have not searched very thoroughly. Most sites with nodelist databases let us look for sysops, nodes and other nodelist entry data. But no aggregated or statistical data, unfortunately not. Tschau Alex --- GoldED+/W32 1.1.5-31012 * Origin: WOMBAZ Systems Heusenstamm [06104-923056 V34+/ISDN] (2:244/1500)