sql_query($insert1); if (!$result) { // problem insert record } $db->sql_freeresult($result); } } } return True; } function rt() { // banned ips if (($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] == "")) { return True; } if (($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] == "") || ($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] == "") ) { return True; } // if ($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] == "") { // return True; // } // if ($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] == "") { // return True; // } if ((substr($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"],0,8) == "66.249.7") || (substr($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"],0,8) == "66.249.6") || (substr($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"],0,5) == "74.6.") ) { return True; } // User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html) // Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html) if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"])) { $ua = addslashes($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]); } else { $ua = ""; } $uc1 = addslashes("Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)"); $uc2 = addslashes("msnbot-media/1.0 (+http://search.msn.com/msnbot.htm)"); $uc3 = addslashes("Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp; http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/ysearch/slurp)"); $uc4 = addslashes("Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)"); $uc5 = addslashes("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060909 Firefox/"); $uc6 = addslashes("DataCha0s/2.0"); $uc7 = addslashes("WebAlta Crawler/1.3.34 (http://www.webalta.net/ru/about_webmaster.html) (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; ru-RU)"); // $uc4 = addslashes(""); if (($ua == $uc1) || ($ua == $uc2) || ($ua == $uc3) || ($ua == $uc4) || ($ua == $uc5) || ($ua == $uc6) || ($ua == $uc7) ) { return True; } return False; } function displayresultheader($rtext,$tcclose=False) { echo "
\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; echo "
\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // colspan='".$cols."' echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; // colspan='".$cols."' echo "\r\n"; if ($tcclose) { echo "
\r\n"; // colspan='".$cols."' echo "\r\n"; echo "
\r\n"; echo "
\r\n"; } return True; } // =============== subfunction(s) end // subfunctions end section // ============================================================================= // use DBI; // use File::Temp qw(tempfile tempdir); // use Time::Local qw(timelocal_nocheck); // use Digest::CRC qw(crc crc32); // use cf; // config (config::read) // use Log; // cf::read($^O eq 'MSWin32' ? 'nlimport_win.conf' : 'nlimport.conf', { // LOGFILE => 'nlimport.log', // LOGFILE_DEBUG => 'nlimport_debug.log', // } ); // replaced by config.php // =================================================================== $actpath = str_replace(chr(92),chr(47),getcwd()); $logfile = $actpath."/nlimport.log"; $logfile_debug = $actpath."/nlimport_debug.log"; $logfile_error = $actpath."/nlimport.err"; @require_once("includes/func_lib.php"); // @require_once("includes/func_dli.php"); // echo "debug 4\r\n"; global $prefix, $db, $admin_file; // caching //*global $hnodes,$hlinecache; // //*$hnodes = array(); //*$hlinecache = array(); // $hentry = array(); // # Connect to the database. // $cf::dbh = DBI->connect($cf::DBDSN, $cf::DBUSER, $cf::DBPASS, // { RaiseError => 1, // PrintError => 0, // AutoCommit => 1, // LongReadLen => 128000, // LongTruncOk => 0 }); // # $cf::dbh->do("SET character_set_client = 'cp850'"); // # $cf::dbh->do("SET SQL_MODE=''"); // ############################################################################## // our $compresscfg = CompressCfg->new($cf::COMPRESSCFG); // require_once 'configurator.php'; // require_once('configurator.php'); require_once 'includes/configurator2.php'; $cnfid = new Configurator; $compresscfg = $cnfid->open('includes/compress.cfg'); $compresscfg->parse(); $pck = array(); $pck = $compresscfg->getDirectives(); // print_r($compresscfg->getDirectives()); include("includes/constants.php"); global $NLSOURCE; include("db/db.php"); require_once('includes/incheader.tpl.php'); //*logfile('L',"Scanning ".$NLSOURCE); //*logfile('D',"Scanning ".$NLSOURCE); // our $tmpdir = tempdir(CLEANUP => 1); //*$tmpdir = tempnam("", "tmp"); //*if (is_file($tmpdir)) { //* unlink($tmpdir); //*} //*$tmp2dir = $actpath."/".basename($tmpdir); //*if (is_dir($tmp2dir)) { //* // use existing path? //*} else { //* mkdir($tmp2dir, 0700); //* if (is_dir($tmp2dir)) { //* // ok //* } else { //* logfile("E","Tempdir ".$tmp2dir." couldn't be created."); //* die("Tempdir couldn't be created."); //* } //*} // echo $actpath."\r\n"; // echo $tmp2dir."\r\n"; //*logfile('D',"Using temp dir: ".$tmp2dir); # empty_database(); # debug // our ($nodes, $linecache); // $nodes = read_nodes(); // $linecache = read_linedata(); // $nodes = array(); // $linecache = array(); // //*import_subdir(str_replace(chr(92),chr(47),$NLSOURCE)); // HTML HEADER // HTML HEADER END // HTML BODY $today = getdate(); $actyear = $today['year']; $lastyear = $actyear; // $_GET = $HTTP_GET_VARS; if (isset($_GET['a'])) { $g_zone = $_GET['a']; } else { $g_zone = '2'; } if (isset($_GET['b'])) { $g_net = $_GET['b']; } else { $g_net = ''; } if (isset($_GET['c'])) { $g_node = $_GET['c']; } else { $g_node = ''; } if (isset($_GET['d'])) { $g_point = $_GET['d']; } else { $g_point = ''; } if (isset($_GET['e'])) { $g_system = $_GET['e']; } else { $g_system = ''; } if (isset($_GET['f'])) { $g_sysop = $_GET['f']; } else { $g_sysop = ''; } if (isset($_GET['aq'])) { $g_aq = $_GET['aq']; } else { $g_aq = ''; } // $_POST = $HTTP_POST_VARS; if (isset($_POST['AKA'])) { $frm_AKA = addslashes($_POST['AKA']); } else { $frm_AKA = ''; } if (isset($_POST['SYSOP'])) { $frm_SYSOP = addslashes($_POST['SYSOP']); } else { $frm_SYSOP = ''; } if (isset($_POST['SYSTEM'])) { $frm_SYSTEM = addslashes($_POST['SYSTEM']); } else { $frm_SYSTEM = ''; } if (isset($_POST['SA'])) { $tmp_SAQ = addslashes($_POST['SA']); } else { $tmp_SAQ = ''; } // SQ or AQ if (isset($_POST['AQ2'])) { $tmp_AQS = addslashes($_POST['AQ2']); } else { $tmp_AQS = ''; } // nothing,1,2,3,4,5,6 if (isset($_POST['CHG'])) { $tmp_CHG = $_POST['CHG']; } else { $tmp_CHG = ''; } // 0,1 if (isset($_POST['Clear_Fields'])) { $Clear_Fields = $_POST['Clear_Fields']; } else { $Clear_Fields = ''; } if (($frm_AKA == "") && (($g_zone != "") || ($g_net != ""))) { if ($g_net=="") { $g_net = 0; } if ($g_node=="") { $g_node=0; } if ($g_point=="") { $g_point=0; } $frm_AKA = $g_zone.":".$g_net."/".$g_node.".".$g_point; if ($frm_AKA=="2:0/0.0") { $frm_AKA = ""; } } if ( ($frm_SYSOP == "") && ($g_sysop!= "") ) { $frm_SYSOP = rawurldecode($g_sysop); } if ( ($frm_SYSTEM == "") && ($g_system!= "") ) { $frm_SYSTEM = rawurldecode($g_system); } if ($tmp_SAQ=="SQ") { // reset to simple query $frm_AQS = 0; } else { if ($g_aq>0) { $frm_AQS = intval($g_aq); $tmp_SAQ = "AQ"; } else { if (($tmp_AQS=="nothing") || ($tmp_AQS==="")) { $frm_AQS = 0; } else { $frm_AQS = intval($tmp_AQS); $tmp_SAQ = "AQ"; } } } // AQ SQ if ($tmp_SAQ=="AQ") { $frm_SAQ = 1; } else { $frm_SAQ = 0; } $oscript = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; if (at("?",$oscript)>0) { $oscript = substr($oscript,0,at("?",$oscript)); } // echo '


'."\n"; // echo $error_list; // if ( ($frm_AKA == "") && ($frm_SYSOP == "") && ($frm_SYSTEM == "") ) { // // } else { // // } if ($tmp_CHG == 1) { $frm_AKA = ""; $frm_SYSOP = ""; $frm_SYSTEM = ""; // $frm_SAQ = 0; // $frm_AQS = 0; // $tmp_SAQ = "SQ"; } if ($Clear_Fields == "Clear") { $frm_AKA = ""; $frm_SYSOP = ""; $frm_SYSTEM = ""; $frm_SAQ = 0; $frm_AQS = 0; $tmp_SAQ = "SQ"; } // echo $tmp_CHG."
\r\n"; ?>

More infos about the project you will find on the
Fido-History-Project 3rd Generation Project Site

Fido dog fidonet nodehist robot
Query onclick="sachange()">Simple

sysop's [name ]lastname
system name

Form based upon: nodelist_search.php Version 1.2
Copyright © 2003 Jerry Schwartz 1:142/928 and WriteByNight
Nodelist lister script adopted from The FidoNet Showcase Project (Offline)
Nodelist lister script continued Fido-History-Project 3rd Generation Archive Listing
Modified for NLARCHIVE2 script by U.Schroeter, 2008) { echo "2008-".$actyear; } else { echo "2008"; } ?>, (v)

sql_query($query0); $rrow = ""; if ($db->sql_numrows($result0)>0) { $fr = False; while ($row0 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result0)) { $lrow = "Last Nodelist in database: [ ".$row0['day']." / ".$row0['year']." ]"; if (!$fr) { $fr = True; $frow = "First Nodelist in database: [ ".$row0['day']." / ".$row0['year']." ]"; } } $db->sql_freeresult($result0); $query0 = "SELECT count(id_nl_type) as cnt1 FROM nodelist where id_nl_type=1"; $result0 = $db->sql_query($query0); $canzndlA = 0; $row0 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result0); $canzndlA = intval($row0['cnt1']); $db->sql_freeresult($result0); $query0 = "SELECT count(id_wq) as cnt2 FROM nl_wqueue where state=0"; $result0 = $db->sql_query($query0); $canzndlB = 0; $row0 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result0); $canzndlB = intval($row0['cnt2']); $db->sql_freeresult($result0); echo "
\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "
\r\n"; echo $frow."   -   ".$lrow."
"; echo "Total ".$canzndlA." of ".($canzndlA+$canzndlB)." (".intval($canzndlA*100/($canzndlA+$canzndlB))."%) Nodelists imported.\r\n"; echo "
\r\n"; } $query0 = "select * from nl_queries order by id_q desc limit 5"; $result0 = $db->sql_query($query0); $rrow = ""; if (($db->sql_numrows($result0)>0) && (!rt())) { while ($row0 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result0)) { $tqt = intval($row0['qtype']); switch ($tqt) { case "1": // AKA // if ($tqt==1) { // AKA // echo "".$row1['zone'].":".$row1['net']."/".$row1['hub']."\r\n"; $taka = $row0['query']; $tzone = substr($taka,0,at(":",$taka)); $traka = substr($taka,at(":",$taka)+1); $tnet = substr($traka,0,at("/",$traka)); $traka = substr($traka,at("/",$traka)+1); // $tnode = substr($traka,0,at(".",$traka)); // $tpnt = substr($traka,at(".",$traka)+1); if (at(".",$traka)>0) { $tnode = substr($traka,0,at(".",$traka)); $tpnt = substr($traka,at(".",$traka)+1); } else { $tnode = $traka; $tpnt = 0; } $rrow = $rrow." [".$taka."]"; break; case "2": // SYSOP $rrow = $rrow." [".$row0['query']."]"; break; case "3": // SYSTEM $rrow = $rrow." [".$row0['query']."]"; break; case "11": // // All your node numbers you ever had $tsysop = substr($row0['query'],0,strlen($row0['query'])-1); $rrow = $rrow." [".$row0['query']."]"; // $rrow = $rrow." [".$row0['query']."]"; break; case "12": // // All your different nodelist entries you ever had: $tsysop = substr($row0['query'],0,strlen($row0['query'])-1); $rrow = $rrow." [".$row0['query']."]"; // $rrow = $rrow." [".$row0['query']."]"; break; case "13": // // Look for all nodelists if you were listed and with which node number count $tsysop = substr($row0['query'],0,strlen($row0['query'])-1); $rrow = $rrow." [".$row0['query']."]"; // $rrow = $rrow." [".$row0['query']."]"; break; case "14": // Hub // Count the size of a hub segment and show the development // $rrow = $rrow." [".$row0['query']."]"; $taka = substr($row0['query'],4); $tzone = substr($taka,0,at(":",$taka)); $traka = substr($taka,at(":",$taka)+1); $tnet = substr($traka,0,at("/",$traka)); $traka = substr($traka,at("/",$traka)+1); if (at(".",$traka)>0) { $tnode = substr($traka,0,at(".",$traka)); $tpnt = substr($traka,at(".",$traka)+1); } else { $tnode = $traka; $tpnt = 0; } $rrow = $rrow." [".$row0['query']."]"; // $rrow = $rrow." [".$row0['query']."]"; break; case "15": // Who were the ZCs // Who were the ZC's for how many nodelists? $rrow = $rrow." [".$row0['query']."]"; break; case "16": // // Look for all nodelists for a special aka $taka = substr($row0['query'],4); $tzone = substr($taka,0,at(":",$taka)); $traka = substr($taka,at(":",$taka)+1); if (at("/",$traka)>0) { $tnet = substr($traka,0,at("/",$traka)); $traka = substr($traka,at("/",$traka)+1); if (at(".",$traka)>0) { $tnode = substr($traka,0,at(".",$traka)); $tpnt = substr($traka,at(".",$traka)+1); } else { $tnode = $traka; $tpnt = 0; } } else { $tnet = $traka; $tnode = 0; $tpnt = 0; } $rrow = $rrow." [".$row0['query']."]"; // $rrow = $rrow." [".$row0['query']."]"; break; case "17": // Who were the ICs // Who were the IC's for how many nodelists? $rrow = $rrow." [".$row0['query']."]"; break; default: $rrow = $rrow." [".$row0['query']."]"; break; } } echo "
\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "
\r\n"; echo "Last 5 queries: ".$rrow."\r\n"; echo "
\r\n"; } $db->sql_freeresult($result0); $nfound = False; // echo "frm_SAQ=".$frm_SAQ.", frm_AQS=".$frm_AQS.", frm_AKA=".$frm_AKA."
\r\n"; if ($frm_SAQ==1) { // Advanced Query // $frm_AQS==1 .. 5 switch ($frm_AQS) { case "1": // All your node numbers you ever had if ($frm_SYSOP != "") { // sysop = ? // echo $tqAKA."
\r\n"; // $rrow = $rrow." [".$taka."]"; // htmlentities(urlencode( // $query1 = "select state, keyword, zone, region, net, hub, node, point, nodename, location, sysop, phone, baudrate, flags from nl_line join nl_node using (id_nl_node) where sysop='".$frm_SYSOP."'"; $query1 = "select keyword, zone, region, net, hub, node, point from nl_node where sysop='".$frm_SYSOP."'"; $result1 = $db->sql_query($query1); $cols = 9; // if ($row1 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result1)) { if (($db->sql_numrows($result1)>0) && (!rt() )) { $rtext = "Query: All your different nodelist entries you ever had: ".$frm_SYSOP; displayresultheader($rtext,False); echo "\r\n"; // ============================= echo "
\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // year, day, date, count(id_nl_entry) as num_entry // year, day, date, zone, net, node, point, sysop // state, keyword, zone, region, net, hub, node, point, nodename, location, sysop, phone, baudrate, flags // keyword, zone, region, net, hub, node, point echo "\r\n"; // while ($row1 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result1)) { echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // // echo "\r\n"; // // echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; $dispAKA = $row1['zone'].":".$row1['net']."/".$row1['node'].".".$row1['point']; // echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; if ($row1['keyword']=="Region" ) { echo "\r\n"; } else { if ($row1['keyword']=="Host" ) { echo "\r\n"; } else { echo "\r\n"; } } // echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // // echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; } echo "
Query: all AKA's of Sysop '".$frm_SYSOP."' ever had
\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; updateq(11,$frm_SYSOP."#"); } else { $nfound = True; } $db->sql_freeresult($result1); } else { $rtext = "Please enter the Sysop name you're looking for"; displayresultheader($rtext,True); } break; case "2": // All your different nodelist entries you ever had if ($frm_SYSOP != "") { // sysop = ? // echo $tqAKA."
\r\n"; // $rrow = $rrow." [".$taka."]"; // htmlentities(urlencode( $query1 = "select state, keyword, zone, region, net, hub, node, point, nodename, location, sysop, phone, baudrate, flags from nl_line join nl_node using (id_nl_node) where sysop='".$frm_SYSOP."'"; $result1 = $db->sql_query($query1); $cols = 9; // if ($row1 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result1)) { if (($db->sql_numrows($result1)>0) && (!rt() )) { $rtext = "Query: All your different nodelist entries you ever had: ".$frm_SYSOP; displayresultheader($rtext,False); echo "\r\n"; // ============================= echo "
\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // year, day, date, count(id_nl_entry) as num_entry // year, day, date, zone, net, node, point, sysop // state, keyword, zone, region, net, hub, node, point, nodename, location, sysop, phone, baudrate, flags echo "\r\n"; // while ($row1 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result1)) { echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // // echo "\r\n"; // // echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; $dispAKA = $row1['zone'].":".$row1['net']."/".$row1['node'].".".$row1['point']; // echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; if ($row1['keyword']=="Region" ) { echo "\r\n"; } else { if ($row1['keyword']=="Host" ) { echo "\r\n"; } else { echo "\r\n"; } } echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; } echo "
Query: all AKA's of Sysop '".$frm_SYSOP."' ever had
\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; updateq(12,$frm_SYSOP."+"); } else { $nfound = True; } $db->sql_freeresult($result1); } else { $rtext = "Please enter the Sysop name you're looking for"; displayresultheader($rtext,True); } break; case "3": // Look for all nodelists if you were listed and with which node number count if ($frm_SYSOP != "") { // sysop = ? // echo $tqAKA."
\r\n"; // $rrow = $rrow." [".$taka."]"; // htmlentities(urlencode( $query1 = "select year, day, date, state, keyword, zone, region, net, hub, node, point, sysop, nodename from nodelist left join (select id_nodelist, state, keyword, zone, region, net, hub, node, point, sysop, nodename from nl_line join nl_node using (id_nl_node) join nl_entry using (id_nl_line) where sysop='".$frm_SYSOP."') as t1 using (id_nodelist) order by year,day,zone, net, node, point"; $result1 = $db->sql_query($query1); $cols = 10; // if ($row1 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result1)) { if (($db->sql_numrows($result1)>0) && (!rt() )) { $rtext = "Query: Look for all nodelists if you were listed and with which node number count: ".$frm_SYSOP; displayresultheader($rtext,False); echo "\r\n"; // ============================= echo "
\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // year, day, date, count(id_nl_entry) as num_entry // year, day, date, zone, net, node, point, sysop echo "\r\n"; while ($row1 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result1)) { if ($row1['zone']!="") { echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; $dispAKA = $row1['zone'].":".$row1['net']."/".$row1['node'].".".$row1['point']; // echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; if ($row1['keyword']=="Region" ) { echo "\r\n"; } else { if ($row1['keyword']=="Host" ) { echo "\r\n"; } else { echo "\r\n"; } } echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; } } echo "
Query: all AKA's of Sysop '".$frm_SYSOP."' ever had
\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; updateq(13,$frm_SYSOP."*"); } else { $nfound = True; } $db->sql_freeresult($result1); } else { $rtext = "Please enter the Sysop name you're looking for"; displayresultheader($rtext,True); } break; case "4": // Count the size of a hub segment and show the development // enter HUB Aka // if empty AKA display: "Enter Hub AKA" if ($frm_AKA != "") { // aka = ? $taka = $frm_AKA; $tzone = substr($taka,0,at(":",$taka)); $traka = substr($taka,at(":",$taka)+1); $tnet = substr($traka,0,at("/",$traka)); $traka = substr($traka,at("/",$traka)+1); if (at(".",$traka)>0) { $tnode = substr($traka,0,at(".",$traka)); $tpnt = substr($traka,at(".",$traka)+1); } else { $tnode = $traka; $tpnt = 0; } $tqAKA = $tzone.":".$tnet."/".$tnode; // echo $tqAKA."
\r\n"; // $rrow = $rrow." [".$taka."]"; $query1 = "select year, day, date, count(id_nl_line) as num_entry from nodelist join nl_entry using (id_nodelist) join nl_line using (id_nl_line) join nl_node using (id_nl_node) where zone=".$tzone." and net=".$tnet." and hub=".$tnode." and point=0 group by year, day, date"; $result1 = $db->sql_query($query1); $cols = 9; // if ($row1 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result1)) { if (($db->sql_numrows($result1)>0) && (!rt() )) { $rtext = "Query: Count the size of hub ".$tqAKA." segment and show the development"; displayresultheader($rtext,False); echo "\r\n"; // ============================= echo "
\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // zone, sysop, count(id_nodelist) // year, day, date, count(id_nl_entry) as num_entry echo "\r\n"; while ($row1 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result1)) { echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; } echo "
Query: all AKA's of Sysop '".$frm_SYSOP."' ever had
YearDayDate# Entrys
\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; updateq(14,"Hub ".$tqAKA); } else { $nfound = True; } $db->sql_freeresult($result1); } else { $rtext = "Enter HUB Aka"; displayresultheader($rtext,True); } break; case "5": // Who were the ZC's for how many nodelists? $query1 = "select zone, sysop, count(id_nodelist) as num_nodelist from nl_entry join nl_line using (id_nl_line) join nl_node using (id_nl_node) where keyword='Zone' group by zone, sysop order by zone"; $result1 = $db->sql_query($query1); $cols = 9; // if ($row1 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result1)) { if (($db->sql_numrows($result1)>0) && (!rt() )) { $rtext = "Query: Who were the ZC's for how many nodelists?"; displayresultheader($rtext,False); echo "\r\n"; // ============================= echo "
\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // zone, sysop, count(id_nodelist) echo "\r\n"; while ($row1 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result1)) { echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; } echo "
Query: all AKA's of Sysop '".$frm_SYSOP."' ever had
ZoneAKASysop# Nodelists
\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; updateq(15,"ZCs?"); } else { $nfound = True; } $db->sql_freeresult($result1); break; case "6": // Look for all nodelists for a special aka if ($frm_AKA != "") { // aka = ? $taka = $frm_AKA; $tzone = substr($taka,0,at(":",$taka)); $traka = substr($taka,at(":",$taka)+1); if (at("/",$traka)>0) { $tnet = substr($traka,0,at("/",$traka)); $traka = substr($traka,at("/",$traka)+1); if (at(".",$traka)>0) { $tnode = substr($traka,0,at(".",$traka)); $tpnt = substr($traka,at(".",$traka)+1); $tqAKA = $tzone.":".$tnet."/".$tnode.".".$tpnt; $query1 = "select year, day, date, zone, net, node, point, sysop, nodename from nodelist left join (select id_nodelist, zone, net, node, point, sysop, nodename from nl_line join nl_node using (id_nl_node) join nl_entry using (id_nl_line) where zone='".$tzone."' and net='".$tnet."' and node='".$tnode."' and point='".$tpnt."') as t1 using (id_nodelist) order by zone, net, node, point,year,day"; } else { $tnode = $traka; $tpnt = 0; $tqAKA = $tzone.":".$tnet."/".$tnode; $query1 = "select year, day, date, zone, net, node, point, sysop, nodename from nodelist left join (select id_nodelist, zone, net, node, point, sysop, nodename from nl_line join nl_node using (id_nl_node) join nl_entry using (id_nl_line) where zone='".$tzone."' and net='".$tnet."' and node='".$tnode."') as t1 using (id_nodelist) order by zone, net, node, point,year,day"; } } else { $thub = $traka; $tnet = $traka; $tqAKA = $tzone.":".$tnet; $query1 = "select year, day, date, zone, net, node, point, sysop, nodename from nodelist left join (select id_nodelist, zone, net, node, point, sysop, nodename from nl_line join nl_node using (id_nl_node) join nl_entry using (id_nl_line) where zone='".$tzone."' and net='".$tnet."') as t1 using (id_nodelist) order by zone, net, node, point,year,day"; } // echo $tqAKA."
\r\n"; // $rrow = $rrow." [".$taka."]"; // $query1 = "select year, day, date, zone, net, node, point, sysop, nodename from nodelist left join (select id_nodelist, zone, net, node, point, sysop, nodename from nl_line join nl_node using (id_nl_node) join nl_entry using (id_nl_line) where zone='".$tzone."' and net='".$tnet."' and node='".$tnode."') as t1 using (id_nodelist) order by zone, net, node, point,year,day"; $result1 = $db->sql_query($query1); $cols = 9; // $query1 = "select year, day, date, count(id_nl_line) as num_entry from nodelist join nl_entry using (id_nodelist) join nl_line using (id_nl_line) join nl_node using (id_nl_node) where zone=".$tzone." and net=".$tnet." and hub=".$tnode." and point=0 group by year, day, date"; // $result1 = $db->sql_query($query1); $cols = 9; // if ($row1 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result1)) { if (($db->sql_numrows($result1)>0) && (!rt() )) { $rtext = "Query: Display all nodelist entries of AKA ".$tqAKA." or segment"; displayresultheader($rtext,False); echo "\r\n"; // ============================= echo "
\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // zone, sysop, count(id_nodelist) // year, day, date, count(id_nl_entry) as num_entry echo "\r\n"; while ($row1 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result1)) { if ($row1['zone']!="") { echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; } } echo "
Query: all AKA's of Sysop '".$frm_SYSOP."' ever had
\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; updateq(16,"QRY ".$tqAKA); } else { $nfound = True; } $db->sql_freeresult($result1); } else { $rtext = "Enter Aka"; displayresultheader($rtext,True); } break; case "7": // Look for IC on all nodelists (for a special aka z:n/1000) // Who were the ZC's for how many nodelists? // $query1 = "select zone, sysop, count(id_nodelist) as num_nodelist from nl_entry join nl_line using (id_nl_line) join nl_node using (id_nl_node) where keyword='Zone' group by zone, sysop order by zone"; $query1 = "select year, day, date, concat(nl_node.zone,':',nl_node.net,'/',nl_node.node) as AKA, nl_node.sysop as Sysop, nl_line.nodename as Systemname from nodelist join nl_entry using (id_nodelist) join nl_line using (id_nl_line) join nl_node using (id_nl_node) where ((zone=2 and net=2 and node=1000) or (zone=1 and net=1 and node=1000) or (zone=3 and net=3 and node=1000) or (zone=4 and net=4 and node=1000) or (zone=5 and net=5 and node=1000) or (zone=6 and net=6 and node=1000) ) and point=0 and nl_line.nodename != 'Z2 Echomail Coordinator' group by year, day, date"; $result1 = $db->sql_query($query1); $cols = 3; // if ($row1 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result1)) { if (($db->sql_numrows($result1)>0) && (!rt() )) { $rtext = "Query: Who were the IC's for how many nodelists? (z:n/1000)"; displayresultheader($rtext,False); echo "\r\n"; // ============================= echo "
\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // zone, sysop, count(id_nodelist) echo "\r\n"; while ($row1 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result1)) { echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; $dispAKA = $row1['AKA']; // // echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; } echo "
Query: all AKA's of Sysop '".$frm_SYSOP."' ever had
\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; updateq(17,"ICs?"); } else { $nfound = True; } $db->sql_freeresult($result1); break; default: $nfound = True; break; } } else { // Simple Queries // select keyword, zone, region, net, hub, node, point from nl_node where sysop='Steven Leeman' if ($frm_AKA != "") { // [zone:]net/node if (at("/",$frm_AKA)>0) { $partNODE = substr($frm_AKA,at("/",$frm_AKA)+1); $partLEFT = substr($frm_AKA,0,at("/",$frm_AKA)); if (at(":",$partLEFT)>0) { // w/ Zone $partNET = substr($partLEFT,at(":",$partLEFT)+1); $partZONE = substr($partLEFT,0,at(":",$partLEFT)); //$query1 = "select keyword, zone, region, net, hub, node, point, nodename, location, sysop, phone, baudrate, flags from nl_line join nl_node using (id_nl_node) where zone='".$partZONE."' AND net='".$partNET."' AND node='".$partNODE."'"; $query1 = "select id_nodelist,id_nl_line,id_nl_node,min(date) as mdat,keyword, zone, region, net, hub, node, point, nodename, location, sysop, phone, baudrate, flags from nl_line join nl_node using (id_nl_node) join nl_entry using (id_nl_line) join nodelist using (id_nodelist) where zone='".$partZONE."' AND net='".$partNET."' AND node='".$partNODE."' group by id_nl_line order by mdat"; $qAKA = $partZONE.":".$partNET."/".$partNODE; } else { // w/o zone $partNET = $partLEFT; $partZONE = ""; // $query1 = "select keyword, zone, region, net, hub, node, point, nodename, location, sysop, phone, baudrate, flags from nl_line join nl_node using (id_nl_node) where net='".$partNET."' AND node='".$partNODE."'"; $query1 = "select id_nodelist,id_nl_line,id_nl_node,min(date) as mdat,keyword, zone, region, net, hub, node, point, nodename, location, sysop, phone, baudrate, flags from nl_line join nl_node using (id_nl_node) join nl_entry using (id_nl_line) join nodelist using (id_nodelist) where net='".$partNET."' AND node='".$partNODE."' group by id_nl_line order by mdat"; $qAKA = $partNET."/".$partNODE; } $result1 = $db->sql_query($query1); $cols = 9; // if ($row1 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result1)) { if (($db->sql_numrows($result1)>0) && (!rt() )) { if ($partZONE != "") { $rtext = "Query: search for AKA '".$partZONE.":".$partNET."/".$partNODE."'"; } else { $rtext = "Query: search for AKA '".$partNET."/".$partNODE."'"; } displayresultheader($rtext,False); echo "\r\n"; // ============================= echo "
\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; while ($row1 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result1)) { echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; $dispAKA = $row1['zone'].":".$row1['net']."/".$row1['node'].".".$row1['point']; // echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; if ($row1['keyword']=="Region" ) { echo "\r\n"; } else { if ($row1['keyword']=="Host" ) { echo "\r\n"; } else { echo "\r\n"; } } echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; } echo "
Query: all AKA's of Sysop '".$frm_SYSOP."' ever had
1st DateKeywordAKAUplinkSystemnameLocationSysopPhoneBaudFlags
\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; updateq(1,$qAKA); } else { $nfound = True; } $db->sql_freeresult($result1); } else { $nfound = True; } } else { if ($frm_SYSOP != "") { // $query1 = "select keyword, zone, region, net, hub, node, point from nl_node where sysop='".$frm_SYSOP."'"; // $query1 = "select keyword, zone, region, net, hub, node, point, nodename, location, sysop, phone, baudrate, flags from nl_line join nl_node using (id_nl_node) where sysop='".$frm_SYSOP."'"; $query1 = "select id_nodelist,id_nl_line,id_nl_node,min(date) as mdat,keyword, zone, region, net, hub, node, point, nodename, location, sysop, phone, baudrate, flags from nl_line join nl_node using (id_nl_node) join nl_entry using (id_nl_line) join nodelist using (id_nodelist) where sysop='".$frm_SYSOP."' group by id_nl_line order by mdat"; $result1 = $db->sql_query($query1); $cols = 9; // if ($row1 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result1)) { if (($db->sql_numrows($result1)>0) && (!rt())) { $rtext = "Query: all AKA's of Sysop '".$frm_SYSOP."' ever had"; displayresultheader($rtext,False); echo "\r\n"; // ============================= echo "
\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; while ($row1 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result1)) { echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; $dispAKA = $row1['zone'].":".$row1['net']."/".$row1['node'].".".$row1['point']; // echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; } echo "
Query: all AKA's of Sysop '".$frm_SYSOP."' ever had
1st DateKeywordAKAUplinkSystemnameLocationSysopPhoneBaudFlags
\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; updateq(2,$frm_SYSOP); } else { // $query1 = "select keyword, zone, region, net, hub, node, point, nodename, location, sysop, phone, baudrate, flags from nl_line join nl_node using (id_nl_node) where sysop like '% ".$frm_SYSOP."'"; $query1 = "select id_nodelist,id_nl_line,id_nl_node,min(date) as mdat,keyword, zone, region, net, hub, node, point, nodename, location, sysop, phone, baudrate, flags from nl_line join nl_node using (id_nl_node) join nl_entry using (id_nl_line) join nodelist using (id_nodelist) where sysop like '% ".$frm_SYSOP."' group by id_nl_line order by mdat"; $result1 = $db->sql_query($query1); $cols = 9; // if ($row1 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result1)) { if (($db->sql_numrows($result1)>0) && (!rt() )) { $rtext = "Query: all AKA's of Sysop '".$frm_SYSOP."' ever had"; displayresultheader($rtext,False); echo "\r\n"; // ============================= echo "
\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; while ($row1 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result1)) { echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; $dispAKA = $row1['zone'].":".$row1['net']."/".$row1['node'].".".$row1['point']; // echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; } echo "
Query: all AKA's of Sysop '".$frm_SYSOP."' ever had
1st DateKeywordAKAUplinkSystemnameLocationSysopPhoneBaudFlags
\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; updateq(2,$frm_SYSOP); } else { $nfound = True; } } $db->sql_freeresult($result1); } else { if ($frm_SYSTEM != "") { // $query1 = "select keyword, zone, region, net, hub, node, point, nodename, location, sysop, phone, baudrate, flags from nl_line join nl_node using (id_nl_node) where nodename like '".$frm_SYSTEM."%'"; $query1 = "select id_nodelist,id_nl_line,id_nl_node,min(date) as mdat,keyword, zone, region, net, hub, node, point, nodename, location, sysop, phone, baudrate, flags from nl_line join nl_node using (id_nl_node) join nl_entry using (id_nl_line) join nodelist using (id_nodelist) where nodename like '".$frm_SYSTEM."%' group by id_nl_line order by mdat"; $result1 = $db->sql_query($query1); $cols = 9; // if ($row1 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result1)) { if (($db->sql_numrows($result1)>0) && (!rt() )) { $rtext = "Query: all AKA's of System '".$frm_SYSTEM."'"; displayresultheader($rtext,False); echo "\r\n"; // ============================= echo "
\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; // echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; while ($row1 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result1)) { echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; $dispAKA = $row1['zone'].":".$row1['net']."/".$row1['node'].".".$row1['point']; // echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; } echo "
Query: all AKA's of Sysop '".$frm_SYSOP."' ever had
1st DateKeywordAKAUplinkSystemnameLocationSysopPhoneBaudFlags
\r\n"; echo "\r\n"; updateq(3,$frm_SYSTEM); } else { $nfound = True; } $db->sql_freeresult($result1); } else { $nfound = True; } } } } if ($nfound) { $rtext = ""; if (($frm_AKA == "") && ($frm_SYSOP == "") && ($frm_SYSTEM == "") ) { $rtext = "Empty Query.
No results found."; } else { $qtxt = ""; if ($frm_AKA == "") { if ($frm_SYSOP == "") { $qtxt = "Systemname = ".$frm_SYSTEM; } else { $qtxt = "Sysop = ".$frm_SYSOP; } } else { $qtxt = "AKA = ".$frm_AKA; } $rtext = "Query: ".$qtxt."
No results found."; } displayresultheader($rtext,True); } // f1 include('includes/incfooter.tpl.php'); // HTML FORM // HTML BODY END // $nodes = array(); // $linecache = array(); //$list = update_stat(); //update_history($list); // $cf::dbh->disconnect; $db->sql_close(); // remove temp dir //*if (is_dir($tmp2dir)) { // remove temp path //* chdir($actpath); //* full_rmdir(basename($tmpdir)); //*} // close logfiles //*logfile('Q'); //exit 0; ?>