(3rd Generation, 1984-2024 ff.)
* NodeList's / NodeDiff's
* PointList's / PointDiff's
* Fidonews

More infos about the project you will find on the
Fido-History-Project 3rd Generation Project Site

Fido dog
Nodelist Nodediff
Pointlist Pointdiff
Last 5
Pointlist Selection
Form based upon: nodelist_search.php Version 1.2
Copyright © 2003 Jerry Schwartz 1:142/928 and WriteByNight
Nodelist lister script adopted from The FidoNet Showcase Project
Modified for Nodelist-, Nodediff-, Pointlist-, Pointdiffs- and Fidonews listing by U.Schroeter, 2007-2024, (v6.2.22 <dev>)
links in black
= file can be viewed now
links in white
= file has not be found by Fido historians
links in yellow
= file scheduled to be added to collection
links in red
= exceptions, addtl. info available
Background dark
= pre makenl distributions
Background light
= regular makenl distribution since #219/1987
    2024 2024 2024 2024 2024
  Nodelist (World)    180 187 194 201 208
  Nodediff (World)    180 187 194 201 208
  Z2 Pointlist (Europe)    (Boss) 180 187 194 201 208
  Z2 Pointdiff (Europe)    (Boss) 180 187 194 201 208
  R20 Pointlist (N-Europe)    (Boss) 180 187 194 201 208
  R24 Pointlist (DE)    (Boss) 180 187 194 201 208
  R24 Pointdiff (DE)    (Boss) 180 187 194 201 208
  R24 Pointlist (DE)    (Fakenet) 180 187 194 201 208
  R24 Pointdiff (DE)    (Fakenet) 180 187 194 201 208
  R28 Pointlist (NL)    (Boss) 180 187 194 201 208
  R29 Pointlist (BE)    (Boss) 180 187 194 201 208
  R31 Pointlist (AT)    (Boss) 180 187 194 201 208
  R31 Pointlist (AT)    (Points,V7) 180 187 194 201 208
  R33 Pointlist (I)    (Boss) 180 187 194 201 208
  R45 Pointlist (BY)    (Boss) 180 187 194 201 208
  R46 Pointlist    (Poss) 180 187 194 201 208
  R50 Pointlist (RU)    (Boss) 180 187 194 201 208
  Fidonews    27 28 29 30 31
Credits - Original Collection of File Archives
  ftp://ftp.fidonet.org/fidonet/fido-history -  FIDO-HISTORY PROJECT (The Original)   @ ftp.fidonet.org (Offline)
  Ruth Argust -  The Original FidoNet Nodelist Archives   @ The Great White South BBS (550 not avail)
  Tony Campbell -   FOTI Nodelist / Nodediff Archive Page   @ TheLitterBox BBS
  Frank Robbins - The FidoNet Showcase Project (Offline)
  Michael Cronsten -   Swedisch Fidonet (Offline)
  Gisbert Rudolph -   Fido History Project (2) (ftp://ftp.grudolph.de/pub/fidohist/ Offline)
  Ulrich Schroeter -   Fidonet Archive - Fido History Project (3) [FTPS link, use ftp client] @ Ambrosia60
  Steven Leeman -   Fidonet Archive - Reorganized @ skynetbbs
  Alex Woick - Wombaz; Michiel v.d. Vlist - @ vlist.eu; Gero Dirk Lachner - @ geros-castle
  Oleg Tews -   Nodelist Archive (Offline) of   fidonet z2 nodehist robot (Offline)
  Pavel Gulchouck - Nodelist archive @ nodehist.fidonet.org.ua
  Kees van Eeten - The Mirror Site @ fido.ddutch.nl

© 2003-2024 by Ulrich Schroeter   18202