Web Activities History on AMBROSIA
Date Activities
2012 weiter bei News 2012
27.08.2011 In the meanwhile I've fixed many of the phpnuke warnings and errors regarding php 5.3.5 upgrade.
For identifying potential problems with the phpnuke packages, I've set the php strict mode in error reporting, to identify potential problems with all running packages. Especialy all ereg functions to be depricated and to replace with related preg_match(), preg_replace() functions. Also all mysql queries that running w/o freeing the result sets filled the logs. Missing undeclared variables was also a mess. The last few days the count of log reports lowered to 1-2 reports per day to the php error log.
11.08.2011 Since upgrade to php 5.3.5 phpnuke and phpdig no longer works.
phpdig I've upgraded to 1.8.9-rc1 to become php 5.3.5 aware, but this fails.
With the bugfix report from teamblog phpdig runs w/o errors :)
 MySQL5.0.51a (4.0.20a)5.0.51a (4.0.20a)
08.08.2011 Upgrade php 5.3.5 migration following Apache, MySQL migration
 MySQL5.0.51a (4.0.20a)5.0.51a (4.0.20a)
06.08.2011 Upgrade Apache, migration to MySQL 5.0, php migration not yet finished
 MySQL4.0.20a5.0.51a (4.0.20a)
06.08.2011 I've removed web test forums #2 (phpbb2) and #3 (meltdown). These forums were no longer under service
for a long long time. Instead of spam attack tries, no further deployment has been started.
So therefor I decided to remove these links.
Phpnuke's file download functions are also integrated to the other webservices (filebase handling, filebase download), so removal of the phpnuke install is currently not an option. Some other subservices removed too.
24.7.2011 Auftaktkonzert in der Reihe Summer in the City, Jazz im Museum
Mit [em] Wollny, Kruse, Schaefer startete die diesjährige Saison von Summer in the City, Jazz im Museum in Frankfurt/Main.
2010 weiter bei News 2010
2009 weiter bei News 2009
2008 weiter bei News 2008
2007 weiter bei News 2007
2006 weiter bei News 2006
2005 weiter bei News 2005
2004 weiter bei News 2004
2003 weiter bei News 2003

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