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Pdnasm - PDN-Assembler

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Pdnasm - Fidonet PDN-Assembler
Filename Filesize [bytes] File Date/Time Description Download
ASMFAQ.ZIP 57430 1998-01-20 02:13:10 Ray Moon's ASM FAQ. This is the x86 ASMFAQ.ZIP
DTRATE1B.ZIP 53033 1997-12-30 06:32:16 DTRate v1.0B Data Transfer Rate System Generates Benchmark rates for Data Transfer to/from Hard Disk and RAM for evaluating System Performance and Hardware Upgrades and/or changes. Creates Boot diskette, print ready Report and Disk file with results. MASM Source included. Nov 97 BJr DTRATE1B.ZIP
ISDATE.ZIP 7225 1997-12-22 00:34:26 IsDate Displays the current Day of Week, Month, Day, Year and Julien Day in the 'dow mmm dd yyyy jjj' format, then exits with the ErrorLevel set to the Day of the Month (1-31). Useful for Monthly Batch Processing! Nov 97 BJr (Includes x86 Source in Assembler) ISDATE.ZIP
NASM095.ZIP 320702 1997-09-17 01:18:06 NetWide Assembler: Binaries only. Modular, resusable x86 assembler. Supports large range of object file formats including Linux a.out and ELF, COFF, Microsoft 16-bit OBJ and Win32. It will also output plain binary files. Its syntax is designed to be NASM095.ZIP
NASM095S.ZIP 481901 1997-09-17 01:18:14 NetWide Assebler: Source code only. Modular, reusable x86 assembler with ANSI C src NASM095S.ZIP
OPCODE.ZIP 7202 1998-01-02 01:04:32 This is a break down of the 386 instruction set, its basically a compilation of a few text files gleaned from an extensive search on the subject. Everything you need to right an assembler/disassembler can be found here. OPCODE.ZIP
STDERRF.ZIP 30490 1998-01-20 02:11:58 Redirecting standard error into a file.(1995) Demonstration program that shows how to redirect standard error into a file. Full source code, 100% assembly, and extensive documentation accompanies the program. In addition to the main purpose, the doc STDERRF.ZIP
XMSTOSS.ZIP 5578 1998-01-20 02:13:20 This is a routine that allows you to toss most of your program to xms when executing a child process. It is written in the MASM flavor of Assembly, but adaptations and ports should be easy. Requires DOS 5+. Also works with VDM's. It's free and it works. Enjoy. Author: Gleason Pace at 1:105/37 and XMSTOSS.ZIP
Total 8 Files, 940 Kilobytes

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