Listing created 2024-08-23 at 14:24

Vir_Dos - VirNet_DOS_Scanner

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Vir_Dos - Fidonet VirNet_DOS_Scanner
Filename Filesize [bytes] File Date/Time Description Download
05NAV97A.ZIP 1123815 1997-05-05 08:37:12 Norton Antivirus Definitionsupdate 05/97 for the _1479 (aka KeyClick, Keypress) virus Freeware from ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Ralph Roth, Germany 05NAV97A.ZIP
06AV97GE.ZIP 1207560 1997-05-31 06:12:58 Norton Antivirus Definitionsupdate 06/97 06AV97GE.ZIP
07NAV97.ZIP 1299863 1997-06-26 21:14:58 Before installing these virus definitions, please download and install the latest NAV engine updates. Download the 95.0b Large Volume Update for NAV for Windows 95 v1.0, and UPDATEME.EXE for NAV 3.0 for Windows and DOS. Using older versions of Norton AntiVirus can cause false detections when the new virus definitions are installed. Download this file for the latest in virus detection and repair for the Norton Anti- Virus product line. This file is a complete replacement for any previous virus defini- tions set. The product list includes Norton AntiVirus 3.0 (DOS/Win 3.1), Norton Anti- Virus for Windows 95 (versions 1.0 and 2.0), Norton AntiVirus for Windows NT 2.0, and Norton AntiVirus for NetWare (versions 1.0 and 2.0). This virus definition set adds new virus "fingerprints" to your NAV program. These "fingerprints" are what NAV uses to detect and repair viruses. Regular updates are essential to protect against the latest virus threats. 07NAV97.ZIP
08NAV97A.ZIP 1375122 1997-08-01 21:54:08 This file is a complete replacement for any previous virus definitions set. The product list includes Norton AntiVirus 3.0 (DOS/Win 3.1), Norton Anti-Virus for Windows 95 (ver- sions 1.0 and 2.0), Norton AntiVirus for Windows NT 2.0, and Norton AntiVirus for NetWare (versions 1.0 and 2.0). This virus definition set adds new virus "fingerprints" to your NAV program. These "fingerprints" are what NAV uses to detect and repair viruses. Regular updates are essential to protect against the latest virus threats. [-08/97-] 08NAV97A.ZIP
4002UPDT.ZIP 2454306 1998-12-28 05:55:08 Update f r McAfee's Virenscanner (von 4.0X auf 4.0.2) 4002UPDT.ZIP
AD1210E.ZIP 331690 1998-11-27 04:10:00 ADVANCED DISKINFOSCOPE - is a disk integrity checker, which scans a disk, reading its sectors on by one through BIOS AD1210E.ZIP
AD1210G.ZIP 345836 1998-11-27 04:10:00 ADVANCED DISKINFOSCOPE - checkt Ihre Laufwerke direkt ueber das BIOS um so mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit u.a. sogenannte Tarnkappenviren als auch unbekannte Viren an Hand Ihrer Aktivitaeten erkennen. AD1210G.ZIP
ANTILINK.ZIP 1117815 1999-04-04 06:04:00 Antiviren Komplettpaket zum Erkennen und ENTFERNEN von Computerviren, erkennt auch noch UNBEKANNTE Datei- und Bootviren. Komplett in Deutsch. Mit vielen weiteren nuetzlichen Antivirentools (12.000 Viren) und Hilfsdokumenten, wie regelbasierender Virenscanner, Virenkiller und Virenstopper. SAA Oberflaeche VSHELL zum einfachen Bedienen und Lesen aller Programme, Tools und Anleitungen (160 S.) Program: AntiLink Version: 5.04 Release: 04-April-1998 Archive: antilink.rar Diskset: [o1/o1] Category: ANTIVIRUS, VIRUS, SECURITY Author: ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Roth Requirements: DOS 4.0/4 MB HDD/80386 Installation: unrar, rar x, pkunzip -d Documentation: *.doc, *.txt Execution: vshell.exe/start.bat Registration: 89,--/55,-- ANTILINK.ZIP
ARJX.ZIP 34703 1997-07-06 02:07:00 ARJX 1.72 - to extract 'archives' created with the program ARJ 2.xx. ARJX was programmed to supply an extractor for ARJ archives because distributing ARJ.EXE or ARJSFX files requires registration of the ARJ software. ARJX can be freely used to extract your .ARJ archives. MAKESFX is supplied to create self-extracting EXE files! FREEWARE from ROSE! 80286+ ARJX.ZIP
AVLINUX.ZIP 610485 1997-07-11 08:18:26 Evaluation von Antivir (H&BEDV) fuer LINUX AVLINUX.ZIP
AVOS2.ZIP 789558 1997-07-11 08:11:50 Evaluation von Antivir (H&BEDV) fuer OS/2 AVOS2.ZIP
AVPD114.ZIP 919592 1997-08-11 19:00:00 AntiViral Toolkit Pro by Eugene Kaspersky v3.0 Build 114 Virus Detection and Disinfection for DOS [rel. 12.08.97] AVPD114.ZIP
AVPD115.ZIP 1001834 1997-11-17 21:01:02 AVP 3.0 build 115 for DOS rel. 31.10.97, incl. updates up to 15.1197 expires 31.12.97 AVPD115.ZIP
AVPD118.ZIP 1110603 1998-03-16 22:34:14 (Beschreibung fehlt) AVPD118.ZIP
AVPD119.ZIP 1124291 1998-04-13 17:19:26 (Beschreibung fehlt) AVPD119.ZIP
AVPD120.ZIP 1170969 1998-06-27 19:36:20 AVP 3.0 Build120 for DOS incl. cumulative update 9806 Expiration Date: 21 Jul 98 AVPD120.ZIP
AVPD122.ZIP 1200265 1998-07-31 21:38:24 (Beschreibung fehlt) AVPD122.ZIP
AVPD124.ZIP 1243037 1998-09-27 23:00:10 (Beschreibung fehlt) AVPD124.ZIP
AVPD126.ZIP 1305597 1998-11-29 14:48:10 (Beschreibung fehlt) AVPD126.ZIP
AVPD127.ZIP 1363463 1999-01-22 14:06:30 AVP3.0 build 127 incl. cumu. update 9901, AVPD127.ZIP
AVPD128.ZIP 1494953 1999-03-06 15:47:38 AVP 3.0 build 128 incl. cumu. update 9901, DOS AVPD128.ZIP
AVPD129.ZIP 1537070 1999-04-24 23:25:14 (Beschreibung fehlt) AVPD129.ZIP
BULL-226.ZIP 16418 1997-03-12 18:27:14 F-PROT Professional Update Bulletin 2.26 BULL-226.ZIP
CGL0697.ZIP 247722 1997-06-09 06:50:00 > CGL: GEGA Anti-Virus von Andreas Marx Das Programm kann bekannte und auch neue, UNBEKANNTE VIREN ERKENNEN und BESEITIGEN. Kein Scanner, sondern eine neue Technik, die System-Analyse macht's moeglich! Inklusive BENUTZERSCHUTZMODUL mit PASS- WORTABFRAGE (ideal fuer Schulen, Firmen!) Natuerlich inklusive SYSTEMWARTUNGSMODUL! Ausserdem: SYSTEM-INFORMATIONS-MODUL! Mitglied der SAVE & DS Program: CGL: GEGA Anti-Virus *FINAL* Version: 06/97 vom 09. Juni 1997 Category: ANTI-VIRUS, KILLER, CLEANER, PASSWORD-PROTECTION, ANALYSE Author: GEGA-Software Andreas Marx Installation: INSTALL.EXE (notwendig!) Documentation: HANDBUCH.TXT (wichtig!) CGL0697.ZIP
CRCHECK.ZIP 59310 1999-04-25 05:21:00 CrCheck 4.21 # 26-Apr-99 # CRC32 AV Util CrCheck: Generates and validates CRC checksums (32 bit). Antivirus program, VERY fast. Wildcards, creation, verification and saving of checksum files supported. PGP and CRCHECK.ZIP
DAT-3006.ZIP 1090250 1997-06-18 13:37:08 Virus Definition Data Files by McAfee, Inc. Requires scanner engine v3.X.X (3006) 06-16-97 DAT-3006.ZIP
DAT-3007.ZIP 1185843 1997-07-19 05:54:14 Virus Definition Data Files by McAfee, Inc. Requires scanner engine v3.X.X (3007) 07-14-97 DAT-3007.ZIP
DAT-3008.ZIP 1188240 1997-08-14 19:03:00 Virus Definition Data Files by McAfee, Inc. Requires scanner engine v3.X.X (3008) 08-15-97 DAT-3008.ZIP
DAT-3009.ZIP 1226585 1997-09-17 07:13:10 Virus Definition Data Files by McAfee, Inc. Requires scanner engine v3.X.X (3009) 09-15-97 DAT-3009.ZIP
DAT-3010.ZIP 1234521 1997-10-18 08:31:40 Virus Definition Data Files by McAfee, Inc. Requires scanner engine v3.X.X (3010) 10-15-97 DAT-3010.ZIP
DAT-3011.ZIP 1240249 1997-11-13 19:12:00 Virus Definition Data Files by McAfee, Inc. Requires scanner engine v3.X.X (3011) 11-14-97 DAT-3011.ZIP
DAT-3012.ZIP 1250557 1997-12-14 19:15:00 Virus Definition Data Files by McAfee, Inc. Requires scanner engine v3.X.X (3012) 12-15-97 DAT-3012.ZIP
DAT-3101.ZIP 1281998 1998-01-14 19:16:00 Virus Definition Data Files by McAfee, Inc. Requires scanner engine v3.x.x (3101) 01-15-98 DAT-3101.ZIP
DAT-3102.ZIP 588281 1998-02-14 19:16:00 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates, Inc. Requires scanner engine v3.x.x (3102) 02-15-98 DAT-3102.ZIP
DAT-3103.ZIP 591613 1998-03-14 19:17:00 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates, Inc. Requires scanner engine v3.x.x (3103) 03-15-98 DAT-3103.ZIP
DAT-3104.ZIP 624359 1998-04-14 19:18:00 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates, Inc. Requires scanner engine v3.x.x (3104) 04-15-98 DAT-3104.ZIP
DAT-3105.ZIP 625051 1998-05-14 19:18:00 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates, Inc. Requires scanner engine v3.x.x (3105) 05-15-98 DAT-3105.ZIP
DAT-3106.ZIP 635082 1998-06-14 19:18:00 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates, Inc. Requires scanner engine v3.x.x (3106) 06-15-98 DAT-3106.ZIP
DAT-3107.ZIP 639017 1998-07-09 19:18:00 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates, Inc. Requires scanner engine v3.x.x (3107) 07-10-98 DAT-3107.ZIP
DAT-3108.ZIP 645995 1998-08-15 03:20:00 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates, Inc. Requires scanner engine v3.x.x (3108) 08-15-98 DAT-3108.ZIP
DAT-3109.ZIP 651804 1998-09-15 03:20:00 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates, Inc. Requires scanner engine v3.x.x (3109) 09-15-98 incl. cumulative update 9808 DAT-3109.ZIP
DAT-3110.ZIP 653696 1998-10-14 19:20:00 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates, Inc. Requires scanner engine v3.x.x (3110) 10-15-98 DAT-3110.ZIP
DAT-3111.ZIP 662218 1998-11-15 19:21:00 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates, Inc. Requires scanner engine v3.x.x (3111) 11-16-98 DOS DAT-3111.ZIP
DAT-3112.ZIP 665820 1998-12-14 19:22:00 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates, Inc. Requires scanner engine v3.x.x (3112) 12-15-98 DAT-3112.ZIP
DAT-3201.ZIP 672055 1999-01-29 04:35:20 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates, Inc. Requires scanner engine v3.x.x (3201) 01-15-99 DAT-3201.ZIP
DAT-3202.ZIP 679906 1999-02-20 19:23:32 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates, Inc. Requires scanner engine v3.x.x (3202) 02-15-99 DAT-3202.ZIP
DAT-3203.ZIP 681393 1999-03-14 18:22:00 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates, Inc. Requires scanner engine v3.x.x (3203) 03-15-99 DAT-3203.ZIP
DAT-4002.ZIP 1322243 1998-11-23 20:02:00 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates, Inc. Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx (4002) 11-24-98 DAT-4002.ZIP
DAT-4009.ZIP 1367022 1999-01-29 04:38:34 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates, Inc. Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx (4009) 01-08-99 DAT-4009.ZIP
DAT-4014.ZIP 1384218 1999-02-20 19:26:44 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates, Inc. Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx (4014) 02-18-99 DAT-4014.ZIP
DAT-9706.ZIP 388061 1997-06-18 13:30:28 Virus Definition Data Files by McAfee, Inc. Requires scanner engine v2.5.4 (9706) 06-17-97 DAT-9706.ZIP
DAT-9707.ZIP 391438 1997-07-19 05:50:30 Virus Definition Data Files by McAfee, Inc. Requires scanner engine v2.5.5 (9707) 07-14-97 DAT-9707.ZIP
DAT-9708.ZIP 393889 1997-08-14 18:55:00 Virus Definition Data Files by McAfee, Inc. Requires scanner engine v2.5.5 (9708) 08-15-97 DAT-9708.ZIP
DAT-9709.ZIP 409963 1997-09-21 03:21:18 Virus Definition Data Files by McAfee, Inc. Requires scanner engine v2.5.5 (9709) 09-16-97 DAT-9709.ZIP
DAT-9710.ZIP 416646 1997-10-23 11:45:52 Virus Definition Data Files by McAfee, Inc. Requires scanner engine v2.5.5 (9710) 10-16-97 DAT-9710.ZIP
DAT-9711.ZIP 421721 1997-11-13 18:55:00 Virus Definition Data Files by McAfee, Inc. Requires scanner engine v2.5.5 (9711) 11-14-97 DAT-9711.ZIP
DAT-9712.ZIP 426461 1997-12-14 18:55:00 Virus Definition Data Files by McAfee, Inc. Requires scanner engine v2.5.5 (9712) 12-15-97 DAT-9712.ZIP
DAT-9802.ZIP 435319 1998-03-01 18:55:00 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates, Inc. Requires scanner engine v2.5.5 (9802) 03-02-98 DAT-9802.ZIP
DAT-9803.ZIP 453856 1998-03-14 18:55:00 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates, Inc. Requires scanner engine v2.5.5 (9803) 03-15-98 DOS DAT-9803.ZIP
DAT3009A.ZIP 1221309 1997-10-06 16:33:44 Virus Definition Data Files by McAfee, Inc. Requires scanner engine v3.X.X (3009a) 10-03-97 DAT3009A.ZIP
DAT3107A.ZIP 640013 1998-07-15 07:19:00 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates, Inc. Requires scanner engine v3.x.x (3107a) 07-15-98 DAT3107A.ZIP
DECOM.ZIP 34585 1998-10-31 02:26:00 DECOM/RVK/REG: Generic virus & protection remover for COM files. Decrypts encrypted COM files for analysis. Removes CryptCom, ICE, Scramble, RCrypt, HD-Killer, Crypt, Shrink, viruses and other related programs. Very useful to study or unpack polymorph encrypted COM programs or viruses! Handling of antidebugger (386+) routines included, as well as a code emulator! Ability to remove viruses! 80586/MMX supported :) Encryption guesser! Program: DECOM, RVK & REG 386 Version: 1.26.02 (AV Mailing List) Release: 30-Nov-1998 Archive: DECOM.RAR, DECOM.ZIP Diskset: [o1/o1] Category: VIRUS, KILLER, REMOVER, CRYPT Author: ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Roth Requirements: DOS 3.3/70 KB RAM/386+ Installation: rar x, unrar Documentation: decom.doc, rvk.doc, *.doc Execution: decom, rvk, reg Registration: Freeware, new viruses...:) DECOM.ZIP
DUMPMBR.ZIP 35449 1998-07-18 02:00:00 DumpMBR 0.06 18-July-98 DumpMBR is a utility to take a sample of an infected main boot record (MBR). When run, DumpMBR copies the MBR of the first hard disk to a file called DUMPMBR.DAT in the current directory. With the additionally tools DebBoot, Scobp and BootDump for dumping disc bootsectors and MBRs to a file *Freeware* from ROSE Softwareentwicklung DUMPMBR.ZIP
F-MACRO.ZIP 182034 1997-10-28 11:42:10 F-MACRO v2.12a is a DOS program which searches Word 6.x and 7.x documents and Excel 6.x and 7.x documents for known Word and Excel macro viruses. [28.10.97] F-MACRO.ZIP
F-SCRIPT.ZIP 46246 1999-02-25 17:30:00 F-Script Viruses Detector v1.3b for DOS from Data Fellows Ltd. - is a program which searches and disinfect *.HTML, *.INF, *.VBS, *.JS, *.HTT and *.HTA files for known script viruses. F-SCRIPT.ZIP
F-SPAN12.ZIP 13714 1997-09-15 06:54:00 F-Span - Disinfector for the Spanska.4250 virus F-SPAN12.ZIP
FMAC310A.ZIP 218094 1998-07-11 19:10:00 F-MACRO v3.10a from Data Fellows - Scanner and disinfector for MS Word document macro viruses. Incl. DEF-UpDate from 98.07.01 FMAC310A.ZIP
FMIRC074.ZIP 24790 1998-09-30 02:00:00 F_Mirc 0.74: Finds mIRC IRC worm scripts- Detection is based on heuristic approach Detects more than 50 different mIRC worms Freeware from ROSE SWE the author of RFW, VirScan Plus, AntiLink, ViBa etc. FMIRC074.ZIP
FMIRC084.ZIP 40833 1998-10-31 09:04:00 F_Mirc 0.84-Scanner for mIRC worm scripts 30-Oct-98 Detection is based on heuristic approach! Detects more than 112 different mIRC worms Freeware from ROSE SWE the author of RFW, VirScan Plus, AntiLink, ViBa etc. FMIRC084.ZIP
FMIRC086.ZIP 64045 1998-11-23 02:00:00 F_Mirc 0.86-Scanner for mIRC worm scripts [ 23-Nov-98 ] Detection is based on heuristic approach! Detects more than 931 different mIRC worms Freeware from ROSE SWE the author of RFW, VirScan Plus, AntiLink, ViBa etc. FMIRC086.ZIP
FMIRC092.ZIP 70311 1999-03-11 02:00:00 F_Mirc 0.92-Scanner for mIRC worm scripts [ 11-Mar-99 ] Detection is based on heuristic approach! Detects more than 1072 different mIRC worms. Freeware from ROSE SWE the author of RFW, VirScan Plus, AntiLink, ViBa etc. FMIRC092.ZIP
FP-228B.ZIP 1137444 1998-01-07 18:28:00 F-PROT version 2.28b - January 1998 The F-PROT anti-virus package contains a virus scanner combined with a disinfection program, as well as a resident monitoring program for intercepting known viruses. This program is free of charge for private users, but others are required to register or obtain the 'Professional' version - see the documentation for details. FP-228B.ZIP
FP-300.ZIP 1553283 1998-04-23 19:00:00 F-Prot 3.00 / Final release (replaces previous beta-version) FP-300.ZIP
FP-301.ZIP 1618573 1998-06-17 19:01:00 F-Prot Version 3.01 FP-301.ZIP
FP-302A.ZIP 1660299 1998-08-07 06:54:00 F-Prot Version 3.02/A FP-302A.ZIP
FP-303.ZIP 2010979 1998-10-15 05:42:00 F-Prot 3.03 FP-303.ZIP
FP-304.ZIP 2113478 1999-01-05 02:54:00 F-Prot V304 FP-304.ZIP
FP-304A.ZIP 2140655 1999-02-05 07:46:26 F-Prot 304A FP-304A.ZIP
FP-DEF.ZIP 497497 1999-02-03 02:05:04 Defintion-File f r F-Prot FP-DEF.ZIP
HACKSTOP.ZIP 87691 1997-12-08 02:18:00 HackStop/32 The File Protector! 86/386 HackStop - protects EXE and COM programs. Designed to drastically hinder analysis, modification, hacking, cracking and reverse engineering of your programs. Yet unhackable? Contains COM to EXE converter -- ( Top Download! ) -- Program: HackStop (HS) Version: 1.18 (Build 68, 8-Dec-97) Archive: HACKSTOP.ZIP Diskset: [o1/o1] Category: PROTECTION, SECURITY, CRACKER Author: ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Roth Requirements: DOS 3.3/256 kb RAM/80286 Installation: rar x, pkunzip -d Documentation: hs.doc, *.doc Execution: hs.exe, hs386.ZIP Registration: DM 30,-- (Shareware) HACKSTOP.ZIP
I_M321A.ZIP 440918 1997-07-30 19:21:00 INTEGRITY MASTER V3.21a <ASP> virus scanner and data Integrity! Designed for DOS, OS/2, Win95, Win3.x, + even Fat32. Easy to use but protects against much more than just viruses! Hardware glitches, software bugs, even deliberate sabotage are detected. If a virus strikes, IM identifies it by name and (unlike other programs) also indentifies any viral damage. It will even detect new + unknown viruses in memory + provide full CMOS protection! I_M321A.ZIP
K_1479.ZIP 27290 1998-03-29 02:00:00 K_1479 0.70 29-Mar-98 Killer for the _1479 (aka Duplet, KeyClick, Keypress) virus Freeware from ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Ralph Roth, Germany K_1479.ZIP
K_BURGLA.ZIP 26076 1997-05-04 02:03:00 K-Burglar 1.03 04-May-97 Killer for the Burglar.1150 (Graveyard) virus Freeware from ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Ralph Roth, Germany for the Grief.3584.Lucky and Grief.3584.AB viruses Includes 7 KB German description of this high polymorph stealth virus Freeware from ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Ralph Roth K_BURGLA.ZIP
K_DELWIN.ZIP 30249 1999-03-07 02:00:00 K-Delwin.1759 1.03 07-Mar-99 Viruskiller for the Delwin.1759 virus Detects the Delwin.1199 variants too Contains generic virus detection test Freeware from ROSE SWE K_DELWIN.ZIP
K_GRIEF.ZIP 34083 1998-03-29 02:05:00 K-Grief 1.05 28-Match-98 Viruskiller for the Grief.3584.Lucky.AB, Grief.3584.Notext.AB and Grief.3584.AB viruses Also known as the Nostradamus virus family Includes 10 KB German and 4 KB English description of this high polymorph stealth virus Freeware from ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Ralph Roth K_GRIEF.ZIP
K_MAJOR.ZIP 25243 1997-08-24 02:10:00 K-Major 1.10 23-Aug-97 Viruskiller for the Major.1644 (Major BBS) and Major.1691 viruses Freeware from ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Ralph Roth, Germany K_MAJOR.ZIP
K_N8FALL.ZIP 34575 1998-10-24 02:05:00 K-N8Fall 1.05 22-Oct-98 Viruskiller for the Nightfall (6) and Neuroquila (3) virus family Freeware from ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Ralph Roth, Germany K_N8FALL.ZIP
K_PIECK.ZIP 25490 1997-11-23 02:00:00 K-Pieck Viruskiller for the Pieck.4444 K_PIECK.ZIP
K_SPANSK.ZIP 33793 1998-10-24 02:00:00 K-Spanska 1.00 Spanska.42xx Remover Viruskiller for the Spanska.4250 (A-G) & Spanska.4249 (A/B) virus family (a.k.a. Elvira) Freeware from ROSE SWE Fast scanning process! Released: 22-Oct-98 K_SPANSK.ZIP
K_TAIPAN.ZIP 28196 1997-10-12 02:20:00 K-Taipan 1.20 12-Oct-97 Viruskiller for the Taipan.434/438.x/666 viruses Freeware from ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Ralph Roth, Germany Magic/Filename: K-TAIPAN, K_TAIPAN.ZIP Replaces: K-TAIPAN.ZIP Size: 27.957 bytes, 00:10 min @ 28.8 KB K_TAIPAN.ZIP
LOOKOPEN.ZIP 18234 1999-03-06 02:51:00 LookOpen: TSR utility to control opening AND execution of EVERY program. Great to test viruses! Cann't be fooled by viruses using SFT methods! The ONLY way to bypass LookOpen is tunneling! Windows & graphics modes aware! Can be deactivated/activated with hotkey. DOS 3.30-6.22 and NDOS 7.0x Program: LookOpen Version: 1.51.3 Release: 06-March-1999 Archive: lookopen.rar Diskset: [o1/o1] Category: TSR, ANTIVIRUS, MONITOR, HACK Author: ROSE Softwareentwicklung, R. Roth Requirements: DOS 4.0/1 MB RAM/386 Installation: rar x, unrar x Documentation: LOOKOPEN.DOC Execution: LOOKOPEN.EXE Registration: NoPE, Freeware! LOOKOPEN.ZIP
MACRDEF2.ZIP 136622 1999-03-28 10:59:36 Macro-Definition file f r F-Prot MACRDEF2.ZIP
MAKEBOOT.ZIP 23793 1998-10-04 02:00:00 MakeBoot Erstellen von Bootdisketten Makeboot erstellt automatisch eine Not- falldiskette und kopiert Treiber, Anti- virentools und das Virensuchprogramm VirScan Plus auf. Unterstuetzt wird DOS 5.0-6.22 und Novell DOS. Kann auch ohne das Programm VirScan Plus verwendet werden Datum: 04-Okt-98 Freeware von ROSE SWE, MAKEBOOT.ZIP
MBRFAKER.ZIP 10874 1997-12-21 02:06:00 MBRFAKER 1.06 - for testing hybrid/mbr viruses. Simulates a harddisc and redirects all writes to the mbr into a file. Faked mbr are written to disc for later examination. All hdd disc access (register usage!) is logged to the screen just to examine the virus behaviour. Source code included. Freeware from ROSE. MBRFAKER.ZIP
MBRKILL.ZIP 22320 1999-03-06 02:00:00 MBR-Kill 20-Apr-98 Freeware from ROSE Generic cleaner and immuniser for all b kind of boot viruses infecting the MBR. y Can by-pass ACTIVE stealth viruses, thus removing infections of "overwriting" R viruses like NEUROQUILA, MONKEY, IMPLANT O or ONE_HALF Replaces the MBR which a S self checking virus resistant MBR loader. E Can handle up to 10 physical drives, saveing and restoring the MBR to disc! [ MBRKILL.ZIP ] [o1/o1] - MBRKILL.ZIP
MSCAN40.ZIP 308356 1998-03-08 05:00:00 MemScan, ChkPC, QMS & HMS: 4 Scanners (approx. 4350 viruses) for the system memory. Normal and heuristic mode selectable (this is currently a uniq feature)! Freeware from ROSE! With : 'activ virus bait' tester & TestBoot! . Datum: Son 8.03.1998 MSCAN40.ZIP
MSCAN410.ZIP 329522 1998-04-14 05:10:00 MemScan 4.10 by ROSE SWE -- MemScan, ChkPC, QMS & HMS: 4 Scanners (approx. 4400 viruses) for the system memory. Normal and heuristic mode selectable (this is currently a uniq feature)! Freeware from ROSE! With : 'activ virus bait' tester & TestBoot! . Datum: Die 14.04.1998 MSCAN410.ZIP
MSCAN414.ZIP 337166 1998-07-12 05:14:00 --- MemScan 4.14 by ROSE SWE -- MemScan, ChkPC, QMS & HMS: 4 Scanners (approx. 4500 viruses) for the system memory. Normal and heuristic mode selectable (this is currently a uniq feature)! Freeware from ROSE! With : 'activ virus bait' tester & TestBoot! . Datum: Son 12.07.1998 MSCAN414.ZIP
MSCAN423.ZIP 344255 1998-09-20 05:23:00 --- MemScan 4.23 by ROSE SWE -- MemScan, ChkPC, QMS & HMS: 4 Scanners (approx. 4600 viruses) for the system memory. Normal and heuristic mode selectable (this is currently a uniq feature)! Freeware from ROSE! With : 'activ virus bait' tester & TestBoot! . Datum: Son 20.09.1998 MSCAN423.ZIP
MSCAN502.ZIP 342031 1998-10-04 06:00:02 --- MemScan 5.0.2 by ROSE SWE -- MemScan, ChkPC, QMS & HMS: 4 Scanners (approx. 4700 viruses) for the system memory. Normal and heuristic mode selectable (this is currently a uniq feature)! Freeware from ROSE! With : 'activ virus bait' tester & TestBoot! . MSCAN502.ZIP
MSCAN512.ZIP 333679 1998-11-01 06:01:02 --- MemScan 5.1.2 by ROSE SWE -- MemScan, ChkPC, QMS & HMS: 4 Scanners (approx. 4750 viruses) for the system memory. Normal and heuristic mode selectable (this is currently a uniq feature)! Freeware from ROSE! With : 'activ virus bait' tester & TestBoot! . MSCAN512.ZIP
MSCAN523.ZIP 345799 1999-02-20 06:02:02 --- MemScan 5.2.3 by ROSE SWE -- MemScan, ChkPC, QMS & HMS: 4 Scanners (approx. 4800 viruses) for the system memory. # Normal and heuristic mode selectable (this is currently a uniq feature)! # Freeware from ROSE! # With 'activ virus bait' tester & TestBoot! --- Sa 20. Feb. 1999 MSCAN523.ZIP
MSCAN526.ZIP 339125 1999-03-06 06:02:06 --- MemScan 5.2.6 by ROSE SWE -- MemScan, ChkPC, QMS & HMS: 4 Scanners (approx. 4800 viruses) for the system memory. # Normal and heuristic mode selectable (this is currently a uniq feature)! # Freeware from ROSE! # With 'activ virus bait' tester & TestBoot! --- Sa 6. M rz 1999 MSCAN526.ZIP
MSCAN529.ZIP 336700 1999-04-25 06:02:08 MemScan 5.2.9 by ROSE SWE MemScan, ChkPC, QMS & HMS: 4 Scanners (approx. 4870 viruses) for the system memory. # Normal and heuristic mode selectable (this is currently a uniq feature)! # Freeware from ROSE! # With MSCAN529.ZIP
PM-302E.ZIP 836229 1997-06-18 13:51:54 ScanPM Protected Mode VirusScan by McAfee, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires DOS 3.0+. Version 3.0.2 (3006) 06-16-97 PM-302E.ZIP
PM-303E.ZIP 840497 1997-07-19 05:51:46 ScanPM Protected Mode VirusScan by McAfee, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires DOS 3.3+. Version 3.0.3 (3007) 07-15-97 PM-303E.ZIP
PMI302E.ZIP 1076643 1997-06-27 16:55:26 ScanPM Protected Mode VirusScan by McAfee, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires DOS 3.0+. Version 3.0.2 (3006) 06-24-97 PMI302E.ZIP
PRNREGS.ZIP 16929 1999-02-26 02:08:00 ROSE's Register Printer # 1.80/386+ # Released: 26-Feb-1999 # Use this programs (COM & EXE) to check processor-, segment- & debugger-registers, packers, cracking tools, interrupt handlers, protecting tools or viruses # Prints all used 80386 registers # Can be used as a virus goat file! # Freeware from ROSE SWE - directly out from the HackStop development labs :) PRNREGS.ZIP
RCOLLECT.ZIP 46012 1998-09-26 02:30:00 RCollect 1.3 (26-Sept-98) Generates from the VirScan Plus Log files a sorted and unique list of your virus collection Includes rsort and rsort32 to sort and unique up to 4 GB large files! Freeware from ROSE SWE, Ralph Roth RCOLLECT.ZIP
RFW.ZIP 50910 1999-02-19 02:00:00 RFW 0.94 ROSE's File Weeder 19-Feb-99 RFW can be used as - duplicate file weeder - CRC-32 file integrity checking program - anti ad and trash file remover - smart file renamer Freeware from ROSE SWE, Ralph Roth RFW.ZIP
RHBVS.ZIP 163230 1998-07-12 03:22:04 ROSE's heuristic based virus scanner 2.22 [RHBVS] Very fast and reliable virus scanner for NEW and UNKNOWN viruses. Detects more than 10.000 different viruses. Includes a generic memory detection for resident viruses, a code analyser and 310 heuristic search enginees - Freeware from the author of VirScan Plus, ViBa, AntiLink and MemScan. With Autopilot and a lot of other features and options. >> DETECTION RATE GREATER THAN 85 PERCENT! Program: RHBVS Version: 2.22.5 Release: 12-July-1998 Archive: RHBVS.RAR Category: VIRUS SCANNER, HEURISTIC, AV Author: ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Roth Requirements: DOS 4.0/2 MB/3 MB HDD/AT Installation: RAR x, pkunzip -d Documentation: RHBVS.DOC, *.txt Execution: rhbvs -auto Registration: Anyware (Freeware) Diskset: [01/01] RHBVS.ZIP
RHBVS230.ZIP 202608 1998-11-23 16:04:40 ROSE's heuristic based virus scanner 2.30 [RHBVS] Very fast and reliable virus scanner for NEW and UNKNOWN viruses. Detects more than 14.400 different viruses. Includes a generic memory detection for resident viruses, mIRC script worms, trojans & malware, a code analyser and 311 heuristic search enginees - Freeware from the author of VirScan Plus, ViBa, AntiLink and MemScan. With Autopilot and a lot of other features and options. DETECTION RATE GREATER THAN 85 PERCENT! Program: RHBVS Version: 2.30 beta 1 Release: 23-Nov-1998 Archive: RHBVS.RAR Category: VIRUS SCANNER, HEURISTIC, AV Author: ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Roth Requirements: DOS 4.0/2 MB/3 MB HDD/AT Installation: RAR x, pkunzip -d Documentation: RHBVS.DOC, *.txt Execution: rhbvs -auto Registration: Anyware (Freeware) Diskset: [01/01] RHBVS230.ZIP
RHBVS231.ZIP 180613 1998-12-25 03:31:02 ROSE's heuristic based virus scanner 2.31 [RHBVS] Very fast and reliable virus scanner for NEW and UNKNOWN viruses. Detects more than 14.500 different viruses. Includes a generic memory detection for resident viruses, mIRC script worms, trojans & malware, a code analyser and 311 heuristic search enginees - Freeware from the author of VirScan Plus, ViBa, AntiLink and MemScan. With Autopilot and a lot of other features and options. DETECTION RATE GREATER THAN 85 PERCENT! Program: RHBVS Version: 2.31.02 Release: 25-Dec-1998 Archive: RHBVS.RAR Category: VIRUS SCANNER, HEURISTIC, AV Author: ROSE SWE, Ralph Roth Requirements: DOS 4.0/2 MB/3 MB HDD/AT Installation: RAR x, pkunzip -d Documentation: RHBVS.DOC, *.txt Execution: rhbvs -auto Registration: Anyware (Freeware) Diskset: [01/01] RHBVS231.ZIP
RHBVS234.ZIP 188483 1999-05-05 13:17:26 ROSE's heuristic based virus scanner 2.34 [RHBVS] A very fast and reliable virus scanner for NEW and UNKNOWN viruses. Detects more than 14.500 different viruses. Includes a generic memory detection for resident viruses RHBVS234.ZIP
ROSEGOAT.ZIP 45665 1998-11-16 02:42:00 ROSEGOAT 1.42 Goat file Generator ROSEGOAT produces executable victim files (COM/EXE), typically called "sacrificial goat files". These output files are used as baits for viruses. ROSEGOAT produces a batch file TESTIT.BAT to run the goat files. With tons of options for creating different types of goat files. Program: ROSEGOAT Version: 1.42 Release: 16-Nov-98 Archive: ROSEGOAT.RAR Diskset: [o1/o1] Category: ANTIVIRUS, GOAT, BAIT, TEST Author: ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Roth Requirements: DOS 4.0/1 MB RAM/AT Installation: unrar x, rar x Documentation: FILE_ID.DIZ, ROSEGOAT.DOC Execution: ROSEGOAT, MAKEPOLY.BAT Registration: None, Freeware. ROSEGOAT.ZIP
ROSETINY.ZIP 29498 1997-07-06 02:01:00 ROSETiNY - generates TiNYPROG packed files which are `yet' unpackable by any unpacker (CUP 386, TEU, UPC, UNP 4.12 & TRON 1.30)! Program: ROSETiNY Version: 1.01 Release: 06-July-97 Archive: rosetiny.ZIP Diskset: [1/1] Category: COMPRESSION, ANTIHACKING, SECURE Author: ROSE Softwareentwicklung, R. Roth Requirements: DOS 4.0/1 MB RAM/2 MB HDD/AT Installation: unrar, rar x Documentation: technote.doc Execution: rosetiny Registration: freeware ROSETINY.ZIP
RVIRKILL.ZIP 73909 1997-05-04 02:00:00 Virusremovers for Tremor, Stoned (48), Horse_Boot, AntiTel, Michelangelo, NoInt, Form, Boot-437, Trojector, Kaczor/Pieck, Dark_Avenger.Slowdown and Red_Mercury.825. Universal bootvirus killer included. ROSE's Virus Removers Version 1.32 04-May-97 Freeware This package contains those killers, which are not released as standalone killers. RVIRKILL.ZIP
SCN-315E.ZIP 723812 1998-01-28 19:15:00 VirusScan for DOS by McAfee, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires DOS 5.0+. Version 3.1.5 (3101) 01-29-98 SCN-315E.ZIP
SCN-317E.ZIP 747488 1998-03-19 19:17:00 McAfee VirusScan for DOS by Network Associates, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires DOS 5.0+. Version 3.1.7 (3102) 03-20-98 SCN-317E.ZIP
SCN-318E.ZIP 774047 1998-06-03 19:18:00 McAfee VirusScan for DOS by Network Associates, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires DOS 5.0+. Version 3.1.8 (3105) 06-04-98 SCN-318E.ZIP
SCN-319E.ZIP 789752 1998-07-16 19:19:00 McAfee VirusScan for DOS by Network Associates, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires DOS 5.0+. Version 3.1.9 (3107a) 07-17-98 SCN-319E.ZIP
SCN-320E.ZIP 798142 1998-08-27 03:20:00 McAfee VirusScan for DOS by Network Associates, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires DOS 5.0+. Version 3.2.0 (3108) 08-27-98 SCN-320E.ZIP
SCN-322E.ZIP 826042 1999-01-29 04:45:46 McAfee VirusScan for DOS by Network Associates, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires DOS 5.0+. Version 3.2.2 (3112) 12-22-98 SCN-322E.ZIP
SCNDOC25.ZIP 240460 1997-05-27 13:06:20 Documentation of how to use McAfee's Scan SCNDOC25.ZIP
SCNI315E.ZIP 965989 1998-01-28 19:15:00 VirusScan for DOS by McAfee, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires DOS 5.0+. Version 3.1.5 (3101) 1-29-98 SCNI315E.ZIP
SCNI317E.ZIP 991305 1998-03-19 19:17:00 McAfee VirusScan for DOS by Network Associates, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires DOS 5.0+. Version 3.1.7 (3102) 03-20-98 SCNI317E.ZIP
SCNI320E.ZIP 1042021 1998-08-27 03:20:00 McAfee VirusScan for DOS by Network Associates, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires DOS 5.0+. Version 3.2.0 (3108) 08-27-98 SCNI320E.ZIP
SPM-315E.ZIP 896229 1998-01-28 19:15:00 ScanPM Protected Mode VirusScan by McAfee, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires DOS 5.0+. Version 3.1.5 (3101) 01-29-98 SPM-315E.ZIP
SPM-317E.ZIP 920034 1998-03-26 19:17:00 ScanPM Protected Mode McAfee VirusScan by Network Associates, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires DOS 5.0+. Version 3.1.7 (3102) 03-27-98 SPM-317E.ZIP
SPM-318E.ZIP 940904 1998-06-07 19:18:00 ScanPM Protected Mode McAfee VirusScan by Network Associates, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires DOS 5.0+. Version 3.1.8 (3105) 06-08-98 SPM-318E.ZIP
SPM-319E.ZIP 960941 1998-07-20 19:19:00 ScanPM Protected Mode McAfee VirusScan by Network Associates, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires DOS 5.0+. Version 3.1.9 (3107a) 07-21-98 SPM-319E.ZIP
SPM-320E.ZIP 967536 1998-08-27 03:20:00 McAfee ScanPM by Network Associates, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires DOS 5.0+. Version 3.2.0 (3108) 08-27-98 SPM-320E.ZIP
SPM-322E.ZIP 1013686 1999-01-29 04:48:08 McAfee ScanPM by Network Associates, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires DOS 5.0+. Version 3.2.2 (3112) 12-22-98 SPM-322E.ZIP
SPMI315E.ZIP 1138352 1998-01-28 19:15:00 ScanPM Protected Mode VirusScan by McAfee, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires DOS 5.0+. Version 3.1.5 (3101) 01-29-98 SPMI315E.ZIP
SPMI317E.ZIP 1163816 1998-03-26 19:17:00 ScanPM Protected Mode McAfee VirusScan by Network Associates, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires DOS 5.0+. Version 3.1.7 (3102) 03-27-98 9802 9804 SPMI317E.ZIP
SPMI320E.ZIP 1211388 1998-08-27 03:20:00 McAfee ScanPM by Network Associates, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires DOS 5.0+. Version 3.2.0 (3108) 08-27-98 SPMI320E.ZIP
SWPE401B.ZIP 847512 1997-05-09 22:26:10 SWEEP antivirus v2.97 (01.05.97) - for DOS SWPE401B.ZIP
TBAV804A.ZIP 455960 1998-01-24 00:04:00 ThunderByte Anti-Virus - The most complete anti-virus system available. Included are TbScan, TbScanX, TbSetup, TbClean, TbDisk, TbFile, TbMem, TbCheck, and TbUtil. TBAV804A.ZIP
TBAV805.ZIP 470617 1998-03-16 20:32:56 ThunderByte Anti-Virus - The most complete anti-virus system available. Included are TbScan, TbScanX, TbSetup, TbClean, TbDisk, TbFile, TbMem, TbCheck, and TbUtil. TBAV805.ZIP
TBAV806.ZIP 479270 1998-06-19 00:06:00 ThunderByte Anti-Virus - The most complete anti-virus system available. Included are TbScan, TbScanX, TbSetup, TbClean, TbDisk, TbFile, TbMem, TbCheck, and TbUtil. TBAV806.ZIP
TBAV806C.ZIP 465774 1998-07-13 20:48:52 ThunderByte For DOS TBAV806C.ZIP
TBAV807.ZIP 470896 1998-07-23 20:08:48 ThunderByte For DOS TBAV807.ZIP
TBAV808.ZIP 488997 1998-10-02 20:03:00 ThunderByte Anti-Virus - The most complete anti-virus system available. Included are TbScan, TbScanX, TbSetup, TbClean, TbDisk, TbFile, TbMem, TbCheck, and TbUtil. TBAV808.ZIP
TBAV809.ZIP 480692 1998-12-06 00:09:00 ThunderByte Anti-Virus - The most complete anti-virus system available. Included are TbScan, TbScanX, TbSetup, TbClean, TbDisk, TbFile, TbMem, TbCheck, and TbUtil. TBAV809.ZIP
TBAV809B.ZIP 581318 1999-01-26 00:09:00 ThunderByte Anti-Virus for DOS - Included are TbScan, TbScanX, TbSetup, TbClean, TbDisk, TbFile, TbMem, TbCheck and TbUtil. TBAV809B.ZIP
TBAV810.ZIP 507321 1999-03-22 00:10:00 ThunderByte Anti-Virus for DOS - Included are evaluation copy from TbScan, TbScanX, TbSetup, TbClean, TbDisk, TbFile, TbMem, TbCheck and TbUtil. TBAV810.ZIP
TBAVX804.ZIP 97865 1998-01-09 15:08:04 TBAVX X-Files DOS v8.04 TBAVX804.ZIP
TBDOS803.ZIP 467485 1997-09-25 00:03:00 ThunderByte Antivirus v8.03 - DOS version. TBDOS803.ZIP
TIRDOL10.ZIP 103539 1998-10-07 08:26:02 DOLLY v1.00 only for DOS 3.2-6.22 - Hard Drive Cloning and Imaging Utility. It copies drives (FD and HD) physically, sector by sector. DOLLY can copy drives to drives, drives to files, files to drives and files to files. TIRDOL10.ZIP
TMBRD104.ZIP 17234 1997-06-23 11:41:30 [Tiny MBR Dumper 1.04] (c) by Felix Mannewitz/Virus Help Munich Schreibt Abbild des MBR's der 1. HDD auf die Platte + Verwendet Ports oder getracten INT 13h + Umgeht mit Ports auch *aktive* Stealtviren + berpr ft Top Of Memory + Hervorragend um zu pr fen was wirklich im MBR steht ! u.v.m (siehe README.TXT!) **MAILWARE** TMBRD104.ZIP
TSCAN4.ZIP 84992 1997-05-03 22:00:00 TSCAN Alpha-Version 87a vom 04.05.1997 * Virenscanner * fuer Beta-Tester Copyright (c) 1996-97 Andreas Marx TSCAN4.ZIP
TSCAN97.ZIP 86145 1997-07-12 23:41:52 Turbo SCAN - Ver 0.97 vom 13.07.1997 Netzwerkfaehiger Virenscanner (BETA) Copyright (c) 1996-97 Andreas Marx TSCAN97.ZIP
UNTINY.ZIP 127020 1997-05-03 02:00:00 --==[ UnTiny UnPaCKER PaCKaGE Generic TinyProg Unpacker Opens: TinyProg 3.0, 3.3,3.5,3.6,3.8,3.9,4.0 Air-Protect TinyProt PKTiny 1.xx Now with CUNP 0.12, 0.16 and CUNPCFG | AHCR GENERIC COM Unpacker TPack 0.50 | N0Ps Misha Iceman ABP-Prot RC1 | COM-Crypt EXEProt CryptCom FXlock | Rand0m/SP WWPack Sysnopsis LzEXE | SuckStop Protect 2.0-6.0 And more... | by ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Ralph Roth, Freeware, May 1997, Rel.:010 Only for elite usage UNTINY.ZIP
UP970728.ZIP 7957 1997-07-27 19:00:00 AVP 3.0 Weekly Update for DOS, Win 3.xx, Win95, NT, OS/2, Novell NetWare UP970728.ZIP
VGREP801.ZIP 523614 1997-12-28 15:02:20 VGrep - version 1998/01 - Cross-reference utility dedicated to names assigned to computer viruses - DOS version VGREP801.ZIP
VGREP808.ZIP 589221 1998-08-03 08:56:02 VGrep - version 1998/8 - Cross-reference utility dedicated to names assigned to computer viruses - DOS version VGREP808.ZIP
VGREP809.ZIP 605785 1998-09-06 16:47:24 VGrep - version 1998/09 - Cross-reference utility dedicated to names assigned to computer viruses - DOS version VGREP809.ZIP
VGREP812.ZIP 646187 1998-12-10 22:52:44 VGrep, version 1998/12 - Cross-reference utility dedicated to names assigned to computer viruses - DOS version. Magic Name: VGREP VGREP812.ZIP
VIBA260.ZIP 476532 1997-12-07 04:00:00 ROSE's Viren Datenbank ViBa 2.60 Beschreibungen zu allen bekannten Viren. Zus tzlich mit Tips zum Entfernen, Tools und vieles mehr! Kontextbezogene Online-Hilfestellung. Datenbank im SAA-Standard, mit Maus-, EMS- & Overlay Unterst tzung. Beschreibung zu 7600 Viren! Program: Viren Datenbank (ViBa) Version: 2.60/Virus Ger Release: 07-Dez-97 Archive: VIBA260.ZIP Diskset: [o1/o1] Category: VIRUS DATABASE, VIRUS INFORMAT. Author: ROSE Softwareentwicklung, R. Roth Requirements: DOS 4.0/2 MB RAM/2 MB HDD/AT Installation: unrar, rar x, pkunzip -d Documentation: viba.doc, viba.hlp, *.doc Execution: viba.exe, *.bat Registration: 29,-- DM (Aktion)/39,-- DM VIBA260.ZIP
VIBA264.ZIP 505289 1999-04-04 04:00:00 ROSE's Viren Datenbank ViBa 2.64 Beschreibungen zu allen bekannten Viren. Zus tzlich mit Tips zum Entfernen, Tools und vieles mehr! Kontextbezogene Online-Hilfestellung. Datenbank im SAA-Standard, mit Maus-, EMS- & Overlay Unterst tzung. Beschreibung zu 7800 Viren! Program: Viren Datenbank (ViBa) Version: 2.64.01 Release: 20-M rz-1999 Archive: VIBA264.RAR Diskset: [o1/o1] Category: VIRUS DATABASE, VIRUS INFORMAT. Author: ROSE Softwareentwicklung, R. Roth Requirements: DOS 5.0/2 MB RAM/2 MB HDD/AT Installation: unrar, rar x, pkunzip -d Documentation: viba.doc, viba.hlp, *.doc Execution: viba.exe, *.bat Registration: 29,-- DM (Aktion)/39,-- DM VIBA264.ZIP
VIRSORT.ZIP 25729 1998-01-11 02:04:00 VirSort 1.04b 10-Jan-98 Sorts and keeps a database of all your viruses using a F-Prot Logfile With handy VSort batch files Freeware form ROSE SWE, Ralph Roth DOS VIRSORT.ZIP
VS2WVIR.ZIP 156015 1998-07-27 02:03:00 VS2WVIR 1.03 28-July-98 Generates handy DOS batch files from the F-Prot (VirSort 5.00) log files of your partner including those viruses you still looking for With FProt, AVP, TSCAN and VirScan Plus log file converter, dup mover and an object to executable converter utility AWK source, sample batch files and executables included! Freeware from ROSE SWE, Ralph Roth incl. cumulative update 9807 VS2WVIR.ZIP
VSH-314E.ZIP 625415 1997-11-20 19:14:00 VShield by McAfee, Inc. Memory-resident (TSR) virus protection and prevention. Auto-loads above 1Mb. Req: DOS 3.0+ and 110K of memory. Version 3.1.4 (3010) 11-21-97 VSH-314E.ZIP
VSH-320E.ZIP 692887 1998-08-27 03:20:00 VShield by Network Associates, Inc. Memory-resident (TSR) virus protection and prevention. Auto-loads above 1Mb. Req: DOS 3.0+ and 110K of memory. Version 3.2.0 (3108) 8-27-98 Win95/NT, only use with build 120 VSH-320E.ZIP
VSP1142.ZIP 439159 1997-05-08 12:42:00 VirScan Plus 11.42 - Virus scanner/killer [VSP] (>7900 Viren) Heuristischer, regelbasierender Scanner, erkennt bekannte, unbekannte Viren und Trojaner. Mit eingebautem Killer (z.B. Neuroquila, N8fall, Parity_Boot oder Tremor). Mit ber 100 Seiten Anleitung und vielen zustzlichen Funktionen und Zusatzprogrammen, wie z.B. 4 verschiedene Speichersuchmodi, Autopiloten, Turbo-, Ultra- oder Sicherheits-Modus usw. Netzwerkfhig! CD-ROM, WIN 3.1x, OS/2 kompatibel. Erkennt anhand heuristischer Anstze ca. 98% aller neuen Bootviren und eine vielzahl neuer Viren! AVR-Module fr polymorphe sowie neue unbekannte Viren! Program: VirScan Plus (VSP) Version: 11.42/Virnet Release: 07-May-1997 Archive: VSP1142.RAR Category: VIRUS SCANNER, KILLER, CLEANER Author: ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Roth Requirements: DOS 3.3/1 MB/2 MB HDD/AT Installation: RAR x, UNRAR x Documentation: VIRSCAN.DOC, VIRSHELP.TXT Documentation: VIRSCAN.TXT, ENGLISH VSP1142.ZIP
VSP1143.ZIP 447905 1997-06-11 12:43:00 VirScan Plus 11.43 - Virus scanner/killer [VSP] (>8000 Viren) Heuristischer, regelbasierender Scanner, erkennt bekannte, unbekannte Viren und Trojaner. Mit eingebautem Killer (z.B. Neuroquila, N8fall, Parity_Boot oder Tremor). Mit ber 100 Seiten Anleitung und vielen zustzlichen Funktionen und Zusatzprogrammen, wie z.B. 4 verschiedene Speichersuchmodi, Autopiloten, Turbo-, Ultra- oder Sicherheits-Modus. Netzwerkfhig, CD-ROM, WIN 3.1x/95, OS/2 kompatibel. Erkennt anhand heuristischer Anstze ca. 98% aller neuen Bootviren und eine vielzahl neuer Viren! AVR-Module fr polymorphe sowie neue unbekannte Viren! Program: VirScan Plus (VSP) Version: 11.43a/Virnet Release: 11-June-1997 Archive: VSP1143.RAR Category: VIRUS SCANNER, KILLER, CLEANER Author: ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Roth Requirements: DOS 4.0/2 MB/3 MB HDD/AT Installation: RAR x, UNRAR x Documentation: VIRSCAN.DOC, VIRSHELP.TXT Documentation: VIRSCAN.TXT, ENGLISH.DOC Execution: VIRSCAN.EXE, TOOLS\*.EXE/COM VSP1143.ZIP
VSP1144.ZIP 449714 1997-07-06 12:44:00 VirScan Plus 11.44 - Virus scanner/killer [VSP] (>8000 Viren) Heuristischer, regelbasierender Scanner, erkennt bekannte, unbekannte Viren und Trojaner. Mit eingebautem Killer (z.B. Neuroquila, N8fall, Parity_Boot oder Tremor). Mit ber 100 Seiten Anleitung und vielen zus tzlichen Funktionen und Zusatzprogrammen, wie z.B. 4 verschiedene Speichersuchmodi, Autopiloten, Turbo-, Ultra- oder Sicherheits-Modus. Netzwerkf hig, CD-ROM, WIN 3.1x/95, OS/2 kompatibel. Erkennt anhand heuristischer Ans tze ca. 98% aller neuen Bootviren und eine vielzahl neuer Viren! AVR-Module f r polymorphe sowie neue unbekannte Viren! Program: VirScan Plus (VSP) Version: 11.44/vhm Release: 06-July-1997 Archive: VSP1144.ZIP Category: VIRUS SCANNER, KILLER, CLEANER Author: ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Roth Requirements: DOS 4.0/2 MB/3 MB HDD/AT Installation: RAR x, UNRAR x Documentation: VIRSCAN.DOC, VIRSHELP.TXT Documentation: VIRSCAN.TXT, ENGLISH.DOC Execution: VIRSCAN.EXE, TOOLS\*.EXE/COM Registration: VSP1144.ZIP
VSP1149.ZIP 448117 1997-11-22 12:49:00 VirScan Plus 11.49 - Virus scanner/killer [VSP](>8490 Viruses) Heuristischer, regelbasierender Scanner, erkennt bekannte, unbekannte Viren und Trojaner. Mit eingebautem Killer (z.B. Neuroquila, N8fall, Parity_Boot oder Tremor). Mit ber 100 Seiten Anleitung und vielen zus tzlichen Funktionen und Zusatzprogrammen, wie z.B. 4 verschiedene Speichersuchmodi, Autopiloten, Turbo-, Ultra- oder Sicherheits-Modus. Netzwerkf hig, CDROM, WIN 3.x/95/NT, OS/2 kompatibel. Erkennt anhand heuristischer Ans tze ca. 98% aller neuen Bootviren und eine vielzahl neuer Viren! AVR-Module f r polymorphe sowie neue unbekannte Viren! Program: VirScan Plus (VSP) Version: 11.49 (vnet) Release: 22-Nov-1997 Archive: VSP1149.ZIP Category: VIRUS SCANNER, KILLER, CLEANER Author: ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Roth Requirements: DOS 4.0/2 MB/3 MB HDD/AT Installation: RAR x, UNRAR x Documentation: VIRSCAN.DOC, VIRSHELP.TXT Documentation: VIRSCAN.TXT, ENGLISH.DOC Execution: VIRSCAN.EXE, TOOLS\*.EXE/COM Registration: VSP1149.ZIP
VSP1150.ZIP 460809 1997-12-07 12:50:00 VirScan Plus 11.50 - Virus scanner/killer [VSP] (>8500 Viruses) Heuristischer, regelbasierender Scanner, erkennt bekannte, unbekannte Viren und Trojaner. Mit eingebautem Killer (z.B. Neuroquila, N8fall, Parity_Boot oder Tremor). Mit ber 100 Seiten Anleitung und vielen zus tzlichen Funktionen und Zusatzprogrammen, wie z.B. 4 verschiedene Speichersuchmodi, Autopiloten, Turbo-, Ultra- oder Sicherheits-Modus. Netzwerkf hig, CDROM, WIN 3.x/95/NT, OS/2 kompatibel. Erkennt anhand heuristischer Ans tze ca. 98% aller neuen Bootviren und eine vielzahl neuer Viren! AVR-Module f r polymorphe sowie neue unbekannte Viren! Program: VirScan Plus (VSP) Version: 11.50 (vnet) Release: 07-Dez-1997 Archive: VSP1150.ZIP Category: VIRUS SCANNER, KILLER, CLEANER Author: ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Roth Requirements: DOS 4.0/2 MB/3 MB HDD/AT Installation: RAR x, UNRAR x Documentation: VIRSCAN.DOC, VIRSHELP.TXT Documentation: VIRSCAN.TXT, ENGLISH.DOC Execution: VIRSCAN.EXE, TOOLS\*.EXE/COM Registration: VSP1150.ZIP
VSP1150B.ZIP 463299 1997-12-13 12:50:00 VirScan Plus 11.50b- Virus scanner/killer [VSP] (>8600 Viruses) Heuristischer, regelbasierender Scanner, erkennt bekannte, unbekannte Viren und Trojaner. Mit eingebautem Killer (z.B. Neuroquila, N8fall, Parity_Boot oder Tremor). Mit ber 100 Seiten Anleitung und vielen zus tzlichen Funktionen und Zusatzprogrammen, wie z.B. 4 verschiedene Speichersuchmodi, Autopiloten, Turbo-, Ultra- oder Sicherheits-Modus. Netzwerkf hig, CDROM, WIN 3.x/95/NT, OS/2 kompatibel. Erkennt anhand heuristischer Ans tze ca. 98% aller neuen Bootviren und eine vielzahl neuer Viren! AVR-Module f r polymorphe sowie neue unbekannte Viren! >> Enth lt jetzt Testkey f r 60 Tage Test! Program: VirScan Plus (VSP) Version: 11.50b (vnet) Release: 13-Dez-1997 Archive: VSP1150b.ZIP Category: VIRUS SCANNER, KILLER, CLEANER Author: ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Roth Requirements: DOS 4.0/2 MB/3 MB HDD/AT Installation: RAR x, UNRAR x Documentation: VIRSCAN.DOC, VIRSHELP.TXT Documentation: VIRSCAN.TXT, VSP1150B.ZIP
VSP1151.ZIP 467459 1997-12-30 12:51:00 VirScan Plus 11.51 - Virus scanner/killer [VSP] (>9300 Viruses) Heuristischer, regelbasierender Scanner, erkennt bekannte, unbekannte Viren und Trojaner. Mit eingebautem Killer (z.B. Neuroquila, N8fall, Parity_Boot oder Tremor). Mit ber 100 Seiten Anleitung und vielen zus tzlichen Funktionen und Zusatzprogrammen, wie z.B. 4 verschiedene Speichersuchmodi, Autopiloten, Turbo-, Ultra- oder Sicherheits-Modus. Netzwerkf hig, CDROM, WIN 3.x/95/NT, OS/2 kompatibel. Erkennt anhand heuristischer Ans tze ca. 98% aller neuen Bootviren und eine vielzahl neuer Viren! AVR-Module f r polymorphe sowie neue unbekannte Viren! >> Enth lt jetzt Testkey f r 60 Tage Test! Program: VirScan Plus (VSP) Version: 11.51 (vnet) Release: 30-Dez-1997 Archive: VSP1151.ZIP Category: VIRUS SCANNER, KILLER, CLEANER Author: ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Roth Requirements: DOS 4.0/2 MB/3 MB HDD/AT Installation: RAR x, UNRAR x Documentation: VIRSCAN.DOC, VIRSHELP.TXT Documentation: VIRSCAN.TXT, ENGLISH.DOC Execution: VSP1151.ZIP
VSP1152.ZIP 480831 1998-01-12 12:52:00 VirScan Plus 11.52 - Virus Scanner+Killer [VSP] (>9500 Viruses) Heuristischer, regelbasierender Scanner, erkennt bekannte, unbekannte Viren und Trojaner. Mit eingebautem Killer (z.B. Neuroquila, N8fall, Parity_Boot oder Tremor). Mit ber 100 Seiten Anleitung und vielen zus tzlichen Funktionen und Zusatzprogrammen, wie z.B. 4 verschiedene Speichersuchmodi, Autopiloten, Turbo-, Ultra- oder Sicherheits-Modus. Netzwerkf hig, CDROM, WIN 3.x/95/NT, OS/2 kompatibel. Erkennt anhand heuristischer Ans tze ca. 98% aller neuen Bootviren und eine vielzahl neuer Viren! AVR-Module f r polymorphe sowie neue unbekannte Viren! >> Enth lt Gratis-Testkey f r 60 Tage! Program: VirScan Plus (VSP) Version: 11.52 Release: 12-Jan-1998 Archive: VSP1152.RAR Category: VIRUS SCANNER, KILLER, CLEANER Author: ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Roth Requirements: DOS 4.0/2 MB/3 MB HDD/AT Installation: RAR x, UNRAR x Documentation: VIRSCAN.DOC, VIRSHELP.TXT Documentation: VIRSCAN.TXT, ENGLISH.DOC Execution: VSP1152.ZIP
VSP1153.ZIP 495457 1998-02-01 12:53:00 VirScan Plus 11.53 - Virus Scanner+Killer [VSP] (>9550 Viruses) Heuristischer, regelbasierender Scanner, erkennt bekannte, unbekannte Viren und Trojaner. Mit eingebautem Killer (z.B. Neuroquila, N8fall, Parity_Boot oder Tremor). Mit ber 100 Seiten Anleitung und vielen zus tzlichen Funktionen und Zusatzprogrammen, wie z.B. 4 verschiedene Speichersuchmodi, Autopiloten, Turbo-, Ultra- oder Sicherheits-Modus. Netzwerkf hig, CDROM, WIN 3.x/95/NT, OS/2 kompatibel. Erkennt anhand heuristischer Ans tze ca. 98% aller neuen Bootviren und eine vielzahl neuer Viren! AVR-Module f r polymorphe sowie neue unbekannte Viren! >> Enth lt Gratis-Testkey f r 60 Tage! Program: VirScan Plus (VSP) Version: 11.53a Release: 01-Feb-1998 Archive: VSP1153.RAR/VSP1153.ZIP Category: VIRUS SCANNER, KILLER, CLEANER Author: ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Roth Requirements: DOS 4.0/2 MB/3 MB HDD/AT Installation: RAR x, UNRAR x Documentation: VIRSCAN.DOC, VIRSHELP.TXT Documentation: VIRSCAN.TXT, VSP1153.ZIP
VSP1154.ZIP 478480 1998-02-28 12:54:00 VirScan Plus 11.54 - Virus Scanner+Killer [VSP] (>9600 Viruses) Heuristischer, regelbasierender Scanner, erkennt bekannte, unbekannte Viren und Trojaner. Mit eingebautem Killer (z.B. Neuroquila, N8fall, Parity_Boot, Spanska, Tremor). Mit ber 100 Seiten Anleitung und vielen zus tzlichen Funktionen und Zusatzprogrammen, wie z.B. 4 verschiedene Speichersuchmodi, Autopiloten, Turbo-, Ultra- oder Sicherheits-Modus. Netzwerkf hig, CDROM, WIN 3.x/95/NT, OS/2 kompatibel. Erkennt anhand heuristischer Ans tze ca. 98% aller neuen Bootviren und eine vielzahl neuer Viren! AVR-Module f r polymorphe sowie neue unbekannte Viren! >> Enth lt Gratis-Testkey f r 60 Tage! Program: VirScan Plus (VSP) Version: 11.54 Release: 28-Feb-1998 Archive: VSP1154.RAR/VSP1154.ZIP Category: VIRUS SCANNER, KILLER, CLEANER Author: ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Roth Requirements: DOS 4.0/2 MB/3 MB HDD/AT Installation: RAR x, UNRAR x Documentation: VIRSCAN.DOC, VIRSHELP.TXT Documentation: VIRSCAN.TXT, VSP1154.ZIP
VSP1155.ZIP 480543 1998-03-22 12:55:00 VirScan Plus 11.55 - Virus Scanner+Killer [VSP] (>9600 Viruses) Heuristischer, regelbasierender Scanner, erkennt bekannte, unbekannte Viren und Trojaner. Mit eingebautem Killer (z.B. Neuroquila, N8fall, Parity_Boot, Spanska, Tremor). Mit ber 100 Seiten Anleitung und vielen zus tzlichen Funktionen und Zusatzprogrammen, wie z.B. 4 verschiedene Speichersuchmodi, Autopiloten, Turbo-, Ultra- oder Sicherheits-Modus. Netzwerkf hig, CDROM, WIN 3.x/95/NT, OS/2 kompatibel. Erkennt anhand heuristischer Ans tze ca. 98% aller neuen Bootviren und eine vielzahl neuer Viren! AVR-Module f r polymorphe sowie neue unbekannte Viren! >> Enth lt Gratis-Testkey f r 60 Tage! Program: VirScan Plus (VSP) Version: 11.55 Release: 22-M rz-1998 Archive: VSP1155.RAR/VSP1155.ZIP Category: VIRUS SCANNER, KILLER, CLEANER Author: ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Roth Requirements: DOS 4.0/2 MB/3 MB HDD/AT Installation: RAR x, UNRAR x Documentation: VIRSCAN.DOC, VIRSHELP.TXT Documentation: VIRSCAN.TXT, VSP1155.ZIP
VSP1156.ZIP 477168 1998-05-01 12:56:00 VirScan Plus 11.56 - Virus Scanner+Killer [VSP] (>9850 Viruses) Heuristischer, regelbasierender Scanner, erkennt bekannte, unbekannte Viren und Trojaner. Mit eingebautem Killer (z.B. Neuroquila, N8fall, Parity_Boot, Spanska, Tremor). Mit ber 100 Seiten Anleitung und vielen zus tzlichen Funktionen und Zusatzprogrammen, wie z.B. 4 verschiedene Speichersuchmodi, Autopiloten, Turbo-, Ultra- oder Sicherheits-Modus. Netzwerkf hig, CDROM, WIN 3.x/95/NT, OS/2 kompatibel. Erkennt anhand heuristischer Ans tze ca. 98% aller neuen Bootviren und eine vielzahl neuer Viren! AVR-Module f r polymorphe sowie neue unbekannte Viren! >> Enth lt Gratis-Testkey f r 60 Tage! Program: VirScan Plus (VSP) Version: 11.56/VNet Release: 01-May-1998 Archive: VSP1156.RAR/VSP1156.ZIP Category: VIRUS SCANNER, KILLER, CLEANER Author: ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Roth Requirements: DOS 4.0/2 MB/3 MB HDD/AT Installation: RAR x, UNRAR x Documentation: VIRSCAN.DOC, VIRSHELP.TXT Documentation: VIRSCAN.TXT, VSP1156.ZIP
VSP1161.ZIP 509865 1998-07-12 13:00:00 VirScan Plus 11.61 - Virus Scanner+Killer [VSP] (>10.600 Viruses) Heuristischer, regelbasierender Scanner, erkennt bekannte, unbekannte Viren und Trojaner. Mit eingebautem Killer (z.B. Neuroquila, N8fall, Parity_Boot, Spanska, Tremor). Mit ber 100 Seiten Anleitung und vielen zus tzlichen Funktionen und Zusatzprogrammen. Win 3.x/9x/NT, OS/2 kompatibel. Netzwerkf hig. Autopilot, Turbo-, Ultra- oder Sicherheitsmodus. Erkennt anhand heuristischer Ans tze ca. 98% aller neuen Bootviren und eine vielzahl neuer Viren! AVR-Module f r polymorphe sowie neue unbekannte Viren! Enth lt Gratis-Testkey f r 60+ Tage! Program: VirScan Plus (VSP) Version: 11.61a Release: 12-July-1998 Archive: VSP1161.RAR/VSP1161.ZIP Category: VIRUS SCANNER, KILLER, CLEANER Author: ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Roth Requirements: DOS 4.0/2 MB/3 MB HDD/AT Installation: RAR x, UNRAR x Documentation: VIRSCAN.DOC, VIRSHELP.TXT Documentation: VIRSCAN.TXT, ENGLISH.DOC Execution: VIRSCAN.EXE, TOOLS\*.EXE/COM VSP1161.ZIP
VSP1162.ZIP 495262 1998-08-02 13:00:00 VirScan Plus 11.62 - Virus Scanner+Killer [VSP] (>10.800 Viruses) Heuristischer, regelbasierender Scanner, erkennt bekannte, unbekannte Viren und Trojaner. Mit eingebautem Killer (z.B. Neuroquila, N8fall, Parity_Boot, Spanska, Tremor). Mit ber 100 Seiten Anleitung und vielen zus tzlichen Funktionen und Zusatzprogrammen. Win 3.x/9x/NT, OS/2 kompatibel. Netzwerkf hig. Autopilot, Turbo-, Ultra- oder Sicherheitsmodus. Erkennt anhand heuristischer Ans tze ca. 98% aller neuen Bootviren und eine vielzahl neuer Viren! AVR-Module f r polymorphe sowie neue unbekannte Viren! Enth lt Gratis-Testkey f r 60+ Tage! Program: VirScan Plus (VSP) Version: 11.62 Release: 02-Aug-1998 Archive: VSP1162.RAR/VSP1162.ZIP Category: VIRUS SCANNER, KILLER, CLEANER Author: ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Roth Requirements: DOS 4.0/2 MB/3 MB HDD/AT Installation: RAR x, UNRAR x Documentation: VIRSCAN.DOC, VIRSHELP.TXT Documentation: VIRSCAN.TXT, ENGLISH.DOC Execution: VIRSCAN.EXE, TOOLS\*.EXE/COM VSP1162.ZIP
VSP1163.ZIP 489852 1998-09-05 13:00:00 VirScan Plus 11.63 - Virus Scanner+Killer [VSP] (>10.800 Viruses) Heuristischer, regelbasierender Scanner, erkennt bekannte, unbekannte Viren und Trojaner. Mit eingebautem Killer (z.B. Neuroquila, N8fall, Parity_Boot, Spanska, Tremor). Mit ber 100 Seiten Anleitung und vielen zus tzlichen Funktionen und Zusatzprogrammen. Win 3.x/9x/NT, OS/2 kompatibel. Netzwerkf hig. Autopilot, Turbo-, Ultra- oder Sicherheitsmodus. Erkennt anhand heuristischer Ans tze ca. 98% aller neuen Bootviren und eine vielzahl neuer Viren! AVR-Module f r polymorphe sowie neue unbekannte Viren! Enth lt Gratis-Testkey f r 60+ Tage! Program: VirScan Plus (VSP) Version: 11.63 Release: 05-Sep-1998 Archive: VSP1163.RAR/VSP1163.ZIP Category: VIRUS SCANNER, KILLER, CLEANER Author: ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Roth Requirements: DOS 4.0/2 MB/3 MB HDD/AT Installation: RAR x, UNRAR x Documentation: VIRSCAN.DOC, VIRSHELP.TXT Documentation: VIRSCAN.TXT, ENGLISH.DOC Execution: VIRSCAN.EXE, TOOLS\*.EXE/COM VSP1163.ZIP
VSP1164.ZIP 508992 1998-10-10 13:00:00 VirScan Plus 11.64 - Virus Scanner+Killer [VSP] (>11.100 Viruses) Heuristischer, regelbasierender Scanner, erkennt bekannte, unbekannte Viren und Trojaner. Mit eingebautem Killer (z.B. Neuroquila, N8fall, Parity_Boot, Spanska, Tremor). Mit ber 100 Seiten Anleitung und vielen zus tzlichen Funktionen und Zusatzprogrammen. Win 3.x/9x/NT, OS/2 kompatibel. Netzwerkf hig. Autopilot, Turbo-, Ultra- oder Sicherheitsmodus. Erkennt anhand heuristischer Ans tze ca. 98% aller neuen Bootviren und eine vielzahl neuer Viren! AVR-Module f r polymorphe sowie neue unbekannte Viren! Enth lt Gratis-Testkey f r 60+ Tage! Program: VirScan Plus (VSP) Version: 11.64.02 Release: 10-Oct-1998 Archive: VSP1164.RAR/VSP1164.ZIP Category: VIRUS SCANNER, KILLER, CLEANER Author: ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Roth Requirements: DOS 4.0/2 MB/3 MB HDD/AT Installation: RAR x, UNRAR x Documentation: VIRSCAN.DOC, VIRSHELP.TXT Documentation: VIRSCAN.TXT, ENGLISH.DOC Execution: VIRSCAN.EXE, TOOLS\*.EXE/COM VSP1164.ZIP
VSP1165.ZIP 512417 1998-11-01 13:00:00 VirScan Plus 11.65 - Virus Scanner+Killer [VSP] (>11.200 Viruses) Heuristischer, regelbasierender Scanner, erkennt bekannte, unbekannte Viren und Trojaner. Mit eingebautem Killer (z.B. Neuroquila, N8fall, Parity_Boot, Spanska, Tremor). Mit ber 100 Seiten Anleitung und vielen zus tzlichen Funktionen und Zusatzprogrammen. Win 3.x/9x/NT, OS/2 kompatibel. Netzwerkf hig. Autopilot, Turbo-, Ultra- oder Sicherheitsmodus. Erkennt anhand heuristischer Ans tze ca. 98% aller neuen Bootviren und eine vielzahl neuer Viren! AVR-Module f r polymorphe sowie neue unbekannte Viren! Enth lt Gratis-Testkey f r 60+ Tage! Program: VirScan Plus (VSP) Version: 11.65.03 Release: 01-Nov-1998 Archive: VSP1165.RAR/VSP1165.ZIP Category: VIRUS SCANNER, KILLER, CLEANER Author: ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Roth Requirements: DOS 4.0/2 MB/3 MB HDD/AT Installation: RAR x, UNRAR x Documentation: VIRSCAN.DOC, VIRSHELP.TXT Documentation: VIRSCAN.TXT, ENGLISH.DOC Execution: VIRSCAN.EXE, TOOLS\*.EXE/COM VSP1165.ZIP
VSP1166.ZIP 519000 1998-11-23 13:00:00 VirScan Plus 11.66 - Virus Scanner+Killer [VSP] (>11.300 Viruses) Heuristischer, regelbasierender Scanner, erkennt bekannte, unbekannte Viren und Trojaner. Mit eingebautem Killer (z.B. Neuroquila, N8fall, Parity_Boot, Spanska, Tremor). Mit ber 100 Seiten Anleitung und vielen zus tzlichen Funktionen und Zusatzprogrammen. Win 3.x/9x/NT, OS/2 kompatibel. Netzwerkf hig. Autopilot, Turbo-, Ultra- oder Sicherheitsmodus. Erkennt anhand heuristischer Ans tze ca. 98% aller neuen Bootviren und eine vielzahl neuer Viren! AVR-Module f r polymorphe sowie neue unbekannte Viren! Enth lt Gratis-Testkey f r 60+ Tage! Program: VirScan Plus (VSP) Version: 11.66.03 Release: 23-Nov-1998 Archive: VSP1166.RAR/VSP1166.ZIP Category: VIRUS SCANNER, KILLER, CLEANER Author: ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Roth Requirements: DOS 4.0/2 MB/3 MB HDD/AT Installation: RAR x, UNRAR x Documentation: VIRSCAN.DOC, VIRSHELP.TXT Documentation: VIRSCAN.TXT, ENGLISH.DOC Execution: VIRSCAN.EXE, TOOLS\*.EXE/COM VSP1166.ZIP
VSP1172.ZIP 531462 1999-04-04 13:00:00 VirScan Plus 11.72 - Virus Scanner+Killer [VSP] (>14.000 Viruses) Heuristischer, regelbasierender Scanner, erkennt bekannte, unbekannte Viren und Trojaner. Mit eingebautem Killer (z.B. Neuroquila, N8fall, Parity_Boot, Spanska, Tremor). Mit ber 100 Seiten Anleitung und vielen zus tzlichen Funktionen und Zusatzprogrammen. Win 3.x/9x/NT, OS/2 kompatibel. Netzwerkf hig. Autopilot, Turbo-, Ultra- oder Sicherheitsmodus. Erkennt anhand heuristischer Ans tze ca. 98% aller neuen Bootviren und eine vielzahl neuer Viren! AVR-Module f r polymorphe sowie neue unbekannte Viren! Enth lt Gratis-Testkey f r 60+ Tage! Program: VirScan Plus (VSP) Version: 11.72.04 Release: 04-Apr-1999 Archive: VSP1172.RAR/VSP1172.ZIP Category: VIRUS SCANNER, KILLER, CLEANER Author: ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Roth Requirements: DOS 4.0/2 MB/3 MB HDD/AT Installation: RAR x, UNRAR x Documentation: VIRSCAN.DOC, VIRSHELP.TXT Documentation: VIRSCAN.TXT, ENGLISH.DOC Execution: VIRSCAN.EXE, TOOLS\*.EXE/COM VSP1172.ZIP
VSP1173.ZIP 531437 1999-04-25 13:00:00 VirScan Plus 11.73 - Virus Scanner+Killer [VSP] (>14.000 Viruses) Heuristischer, regelbasierender Scanner, erkennt bekannte, unbekannte Viren und Trojaner. Mit eingebautem Killer (z.B. Neuroquila, N8fall, Parity_Boot, Spanska, Tremor). VSP1173.ZIP
VSUMX802.ZIP 1070024 1998-02-05 04:12:40 VSUM802 08/February 1998 von Patricia Hoffmann ein geniales Datenbank/Info-packet f r bekannte (und weniger bekannte) Viren und deren Herkunft und Problemen VSUMX802.ZIP
VSUMX805.ZIP 1071526 1998-05-11 02:34:16 HyperText VSUM X9805 (by Patricia Hoffmann) Database for info on known Viruses. VSUMX805.ZIP
VSUMX809.ZIP 1072704 1998-10-06 06:16:10 VSUMX 809 by Patricia Hoffmann Database for info on known viruses VSUMX809.ZIP
WW980904.ZIP 210238 1998-09-06 22:24:40 (Beschreibung fehlt) WW980904.ZIP
Total 188 Files, 112713 Kilobytes

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