383975 |
1998-05-18 21:37:04 |
Disk Analyzer 1.1 Analysiert den freien Speicher einer Festplatte, und
entfernt auch alte Datenreste.
143739 |
1998-05-12 01:30:58 |
CD-Menu 1.0 Menuesystem fuer selbstgebrannte CD-Rs. |
924331 |
1998-05-12 01:03:36 |
CD-Starter Programmierbares Startmenue fuer CD-Rs. |
860144 |
1998-05-13 03:59:34 |
Explorer 98 1.10a Der Dateimanager zeigt gleich zwei Verzeichnisb ume
nebeneinander an. Dateien lassen sich demnach per Drag and Drop
319925 |
1998-05-13 04:09:38 |
TransMac v3.1 Ist dieses Tool installiert, lassen sich
Macintosh-Medien auch auf dem PC lesen.
AAF3-0.ZIP |
131560 |
1999-01-26 08:55:54 |
AutoRun Action Flash Program Version: 3.0.0 CD-Auto-Start Menue
AAF3-0.ZIP |
789726 |
1997-10-30 06:03:14 |
Boole Text Searcher Ver 3.0 for Windows95 Search for text in files and
directories. A Windows95 compliant 32 bit program. Auto save settings.
And/Or searching. Options tailor searches. Save file lists Make use of
editors of your choice.
1675596 |
1997-08-31 11:02:48 |
Backup/rest critical Win95 Reg + system files ACBack v1.9.2 is a fully
functional program designed to backup and restore your Win95 Registry
plus other critical startup files. Version 1.9.2 now has the ability
to archive backup sets into zip files and to restore directly from the
archive, Archived backup sets can be copied to floppy disks Stamp each
registry set, add Comments to the Registry and Zip file, Launch or
View different file types and has a free File Search utility. This
version has a new help file and the Restore process has been made
easier to use. This Shareware version is in training mode. Shareware.
Uploaded by the author.
242909 |
1997-02-26 01:11:52 |
Acrypt 3.8b. Crypt/decrypt your files |
ADC104.ZIP |
465239 |
1997-06-16 02:20:20 |
Advanced Disk Catalog 1.04 An easy to use tool with explorer-like
interface which allows you to catalog your drives: floppies, CD-ROMs,
ZIP disks etc. With it, you are able to organize volumes, folders and
files into categories; add comment to each file, folder and disk;
search for files/folders using file name or your own comments (with
wildcards), limiting the search results by date, size and category;
update volume information; generate the reports and more.
ADC104.ZIP |
466738 |
1997-06-28 08:38:10 |
Advanced Disk Catalog 1.04c An easy to use tool with explorer-like
interface which allows you to catalog your drives: floppies, CD-ROMs,
ZIP disks etc. With it, you are able to organize volumes, folders and
files into categories; add comment to each file, folder and disk;
search for files/folders using file name or your own comments (with
wildcards), limiting the search results by date, size and category;
update volume information; generate the reports and more.
3862185 |
1997-06-27 09:06:10 |
AllFile Notes (v1.3), 32Bit-Version for Windows 95. Utility allowing
64KB File descriptions.
5286 |
1997-06-27 10:23:24 |
Utility for adding an "Any Folder" entry to Win95 "Send To" menu |
1022514 |
1998-03-18 00:52:16 |
Packager MK1 Beschreibung: Der Packager kann ein oder mehrere
Dateien auf mehrere Datentraegern verteilen, wobei die Archivgroesse
frei einstellbar ist; auch Iomega ZIP Drives werden unterstuetzt. Das
Programm kann selbstextrahierende Dateien erstellen und nofalls sogar
die Archive reparieren. Shareware
1275754 |
1997-07-09 02:26:52 |
AsciiConvert ASCII File Restructuring, Conversion |
ASH044.ZIP |
2141929 |
1997-05-26 16:17:22 |
Explore disk, clean it. Stats and charts |
ASH044.ZIP |
1902255 |
1999-01-26 09:34:34 |
AutoPlay Menue Studio 2.0 Aurtostart Menue fuer CDs erstellen. |
1947807 |
1999-02-22 07:25:24 |
Autorunner V3.1 by Bitworx Autorunner is a generic Autorun program.
Use it as a custom menu on your CDs. A new frontend for creating the
menu is included. Autorunner has a nice customizable GUI. Support for
custom Sound and Graphics and Support for any language. Unzip support.
644016 |
1997-05-25 04:49:46 |
AxMan 1.10. File splitting utility. Can determine the size of the
pieces for you, or the user can specify the size of the pieces.
638109 |
1999-02-04 10:18:14 |
Mit Back it up koennen alle gewuenschten Daten des PCs sehr
einfach und bedienungs- freundlich gesichert werden. Das Programm
verfuegt sogar ueber eine Autorun-Funktion, die es ermoeglicht per
Maus- klick das gewuenschte Backup zu starten. Man mu dazu nur das
Haekchen bei der Option Backup set is aktiv/passive entsprechend
setzen. Die zu sichernden Daten werden zudem platzsparend als
zip-Datei gespeichert und lassen sich mit einem Packprogramm wie
z.B. Powerzip wieder entpacken.
104837 |
1998-01-26 22:04:32 |
Blanch is a simple, yet powerful, drag-n-drop button bar for Window 95
and Windows NT 4.0. Drag executable files or associated documents,
folders and shortcuts (links) and drop them on blanch to create a new
676650 |
1998-01-15 03:01:00 |
BS-Backup fuer Win95 universelles Sicherungsprogramm fuer Daten-Backup
(komprimieren, verschluesseln) Es koennen Bandlaufwerke, opt. LW,
Festplatten und Netzwerk-PC benutzt werden dt. Bedienung
4243216 |
1998-11-16 12:54:26 |
DiskCatalog system for all drives and CD-ROM. Reads through entire
volume and ARJ-ZIP-LZH- ARC archives.Easy retrieval, filtering and
sorting command-syntax. Do wild-card searches through your entire
file-collection or do map-queries for full-path information. Export
data to Excell, dBase and 123. Supports multiple MS-ACCESS based
catalogs. Designed for Windows98.
187922 |
1998-05-05 04:29:30 |
Cabinet Maker 1.0 Freeware. Das Programm fa sst Dateien zu einem
CAB-Archiv zusammen.
983644 |
1998-05-26 05:56:20 |
Cabinet Manager 97a Windows 95 Das Archivformat CAB bleibt einem
normalerweise verschlossen. Der Cabinet Manager macht dem ein Ende!
1664148 |
1999-04-05 01:52:08 |
NiBaLa CD Automenu, Revision 2.0.0 This licensed program holds up to
200 menu entries.
CDA_211.ZIP |
194960 |
1998-12-10 08:55:06 |
CD-ROM Drive Analyzer Program was developed to test drive performance.
Such testing is available in Windows 95/98 and Windows NT. In
addition, this program will be useful for testing CD-ROM disk
CDA_211.ZIP |
173058 |
1999-05-05 12:24:50 |
ROKO'S CDDOOR VERSION 4.0 Tool zum oeffnen und schliessen bis zu 4 CD-
Neu u.a.: automatische Erkennung CD-Laufwerke und Autostartfunktion.
Rolf Koch rokosoft@compuserve.com
659089 |
1999-05-04 09:10:52 |
CD-Ejector v.1.22 |
674903 |
1998-06-19 21:35:24 |
Download CDMenu98 System: Win9x/NT Beschreibung: Mit CDMenu98
erstellen Sie mit wenigen Mausklicks anspruchsvolle und bersichtliche
Men s mit Kurzbeschreibung, Startgrafik und -musik fuer Ihre
selbstgebrannten CD-ROMS oder anderen Wechselmedien. Shareware
4400541 |
1998-11-14 05:18:38 |
CD-Manager 1.0 Menuesysteme fuer selbstgebrannte CD-ROMs fertigt der
CD-Manager an. Win 95, Win NT 4.0
4357 |
1998-04-16 11:48:36 |
CDOpen Beschreibung: CDOpen erweitert das Kontext-Men um zwei
Eintraege zum oeffen und schliessen des CD-ROM-Laufwerks. Benoetigt VB
5.0 Runtimes. Freeware
458169 |
1998-12-25 10:50:40 |
WinCDR 3.6b CD-Recording Software |
486177 |
1999-03-04 11:02:36 |
An awesome program that features: Supports the recording of AUDIO,
CDROM ( Mode1 ), CDROM-XA ( Mode2 ), CD-I, Mixed-Mode, and
Multisession discs. Unique CUE SHEET scripting language gives
you 100% custom control over the disc layout. No two second
gaps between tracks like other software! Powerful disc backup
utility that preserves the exact layout of the original disc
including all subcode information. ISO9660 disc mastering
(with Joliet long filename support for Windows 95/NT). Bootable
CDROM sup- port ( El Torito specification ). Supports Karaoke CD
+ G discs. (Requires a Sony CDW-900E,Panasonic, or Yamaha
recorder). Only disc-at- once software that supports all CDROM
types on the Philips/Kodak/HP family of CD recorders.Supports disc
UPC and track ISRC numbers (on most recorders). Supports the "Kodak
Disc Transporter" for fast and unattended disc replication.
430578 |
1999-04-22 07:37:32 |
CD-R Diagnostic The CD-R Diagnostic program is designed to
assist in determining the contents of a CD-ROM or CD-R. It has
several useful displays that provide substantially more information
than Windows 95 or many CD mastering programs.
113325 |
1999-02-07 06:06:50 |
CDR Info V1.05 (c) PLEXTOR SA/NV (EUROPE) CDR Info is a utility
which can show you the manufacturer of a CD - Recordable. This
utility can be used for all CD-R's with PX-R412C,PX-R820T,
PX-W4220T and for multisession CD-R's with all Plextor drives.
639334 |
1998-11-07 19:00:00 |
CDSearch Version 3.0 [01/01] Mit CD-Search kann man
Dateistrukturen von Datentr gern einlesen und archivieren. Die Archive
koennen sp ter schnell&bequem durchsucht werden ohne da ein Einlegen
der einzelnen Datentr ger erforderlich ist! iNFUTURE SOFTWARE 1998
314436 |
1999-03-29 08:41:20 |
CD Setup Version 1.2 (C) 1999 by Andreas Vohns CD Setup ist ein
kleines Freeware- Utility zum Erstellen von Inst- allations -
menues fuer selbst- erstellte CD-ROMS. Aehnlich wie bei den
Menueprogrammen von Share- ware Zeitschriften wird eine Liste mit auf
der CD befindlichen Pro- grammen mit kurzen Beschreibungen dazu
angezeigt. Das Programm wird vollstaendig ueber eine INI Datei
CF14-32.ZIP |
81372 |
1997-07-08 09:15:28 |
File checksums and much more |
CF14-32.ZIP |
98863 |
1997-06-16 02:51:48 |
CHANGE.EXE (7.04): Processes change commands in files. Files can be
of any size and type (binary or text) and are processed quickly. Up to
thirty change commands can be processed in a single pass. Also
provides ability to remove trailing spaces from text files. Freeware.
Bruce Guthrie / U.S. Dept of Commerce
208630 |
1998-05-21 23:36:02 |
ChangeExt 1.80 Beschreibung: Ein neuer Eintrag im Kontext-Men
erleichtert das ndern von Dateierweiterungen und -attributen. Freeware
168702 |
1997-06-13 05:50:12 |
(version 2.1) powerful tool for comparing, and storing states of disk
or directory contents, files. Uses CRC when compares files in
different timezone. A small program with great performances, powered
with ADS32. A fully operational demo, which can easily be turned into
a licensed software by receiving your personal key code. More
information from readme file, or MailTo:100427.400@compuserve.com
288180 |
1998-05-25 05:31:46 |
CleanIt98 1.1 Beschreibung: CleanIt98 loescht individuell sowohl den
Dokumente-Verlaufsordner als auch fuer jedes Laufwerk automatisch per
Timer definiert oder oder per Mausklick. Benoetigt VB 5.0-Runtime
542049 |
1998-06-06 23:31:56 |
CleanIt98 1.21 System: Win95/98 Beschreibung: CleanIt98 loescht
individuell sowohl den Dokumente-Verlaufsordner als auch fuer jedes
Laufwerk automatisch per Timer definiert oder oder per Mausklick.
Benoetigt VB 5.0-Runtime Freeware
103996 |
1998-03-18 00:55:40 |
Disk CleanUp 3.0 Beschreibung: Disk CleanUp ueberschreibt geloeschte
Daten auf der Festplatte. Normal wird beim loeschen einer Datei nur
der Eintrag im Dateiverzeichnis geloescht, die Daten bleiben auf der
Festplatte noch erhalten. Mit bestimmten Programmen kann man diese
Daten wiederherstellen. Dies verhindert Disk CleanUp in dem es die
nicht benutzten Bereiche der Festplatte ueberschreibt. Freeware
71819 |
1998-05-11 04:26:34 |
Clean System Directory 1.5 Das Programm scannt das System und loescht
alle DLL-Bibliotheken, die von den noch installierten Programmen nicht
mehr benoetigt werden. Vorsicht: Immer eine Sicherheitskopie
anfertigen, um aus Versehen geloeschte DLLs im Notfall wieder ins
System zurueckkopieren zu koennen.
27361 |
1997-06-27 09:06:16 |
CLONE v1.0 CLONE is a public domain program designed to faithfully
copy the entire contents of a directory (on a floppy, hard disk,
CDROM, network drive, etc), including hidden and system files, while
in the MSDOS real mode. It is essentially the same as Win95's XCOPY
command, except that CLONE includes the options that are not available
from the real-mode version of XCOPY.
CM216F.ZIP |
1469665 |
1997-07-03 13:50:02 |
CloneMaster 2.16. Proven Duplicate File Finder. A great disk space
CM216F.ZIP |
123208 |
1997-06-01 12:27:20 |
COMDI v.1.0 - is an easy to use hard drive navigator for DOS which
makes changing directories much easier, especially if you have a large
hard drive. It does not require any CD commands, any slashes, you do
not even have to remember where the directories are and what their
names are. The program can be invoked from any directory or
subdirectory. Full mouse and keyboard support. Shareware. Reg.
AU$30, US$24, UK14
257253 |
1997-06-21 10:32:34 |
CONA v2.1 - Navigator for DOS |
256371 |
1997-06-02 12:03:56 |
COPRO v1.0 - DOS Program Manager |
1338755 |
1997-06-11 06:18:28 |
CWD v3.1 - Shows current dirs for all drives
3525 |
1997-06-27 10:23:26 |
CODE91 - 7-bit en/de-coding utility v1.1 |
144045 |
1998-03-06 22:38:28 |
CommandLine 1.0 Beschreibung: Das Programm CommandLine ist eine
Kommandozeile die aehnlich wie der Start/Ausfuehren-Dialog
funktioniert. In dieser Kommandozeile koennen Sie Dateien,
Verzeichnisse und Webseiten eingeben, diese werden dann gestartet.
83995 |
1997-06-16 02:51:52 |
COPSINCE.EXE (7.04): Copies all files modified since a given date.
Primarily used for making sure you have a back-up of files and also to
copy updated programs to another place. Lets you define your own
groupings of files if desired. Freeware. Bruce Guthrie / Wayne
36168 |
1998-08-14 19:30:18 |
Control Panel Control 0.2.0 Beschreibung: Das Programm erstellt
Verknuepfungen zur Systemsteuerung im Startmenue, in den Favoriten und
auf dem Desktop. Freeware
222271 |
1997-11-18 01:15:34 |
KOPIEREN Copyto fuer Win95 und NT4/Intel von kish design ist eine
sehr praktische Erweiterung fuer den Explorer, die Ihnen fuer jede
Datei und jeden Ordner im Kontextmen (rechte Maustaste) eine Option
"copy to"
CPW9512.ZIP |
690453 |
1998-05-13 11:28:40 |
Catch UP 1.2 Beschreibung: Catch UP durchsuchst die eigene Festplatte
nach Programmen und vergleicht diese mit eine Internet-Datenbank.
Neuere Programmversionen und Updates werden dann auf einer HTML-Seite
mit kurzer Beschreibung, eine Link zur Herstellerhomepage und der
Downloadadresse dargestellt. Neben komerzieller Produkte werden auch
popul re Shareware und Freewareprogramme ueberpr ft. Freeware
CPW9512.ZIP |
236046 |
1997-06-02 12:03:52 |
CRUISER Browser for Windows 95 v1.31 . Fully functional 32-bit
Shareware, only 13$ The easiest file browser/copier/launcher. JUST
ONE CLICK TO REACH OR COPY ANY FILE ! A dockable & sizable desktop
popup menu button which opens your disks with cascading folders,
browses through your file system resolving links, opening documents,
windows and DOS sessions; recently used files and preferred folders
supported. You won't need to use My Computer or Windows Explorer any
more. Drop files on Cruiser to copy/move/link them anywhere.
252179 |
1997-07-03 08:23:58 |
CRUISER Browser for Windows 95 v1.33 . |
252338 |
1997-07-09 02:28:12 |
CRUISER Browser for Windows 95 v1.34 . Fully functional 32-bit
Shareware, only 13$ The easiest file browser/copier/launcher. JUST
ONE CLICK TO REACH OR COPY ANY FILE ! A dockable & sizable desktop
popup menu button which opens your disks with cascading folders,
browses through your file system resolving links, opening documents,
windows and DOS sessions; recently used files and preferred folders
supported. You won't need to use My Computer or Windows Explorer any
more. Drop files on Cruiser to copy/move/link them anywhere, or to
open them with any application.
97712 |
1998-05-13 11:06:06 |
Cryptext 3.00 Beschreibung: Eine Shell-Erweiterung zur Dateiverschl
sselung. Es benutzt eine Kombination aus SHA-1 und RC4 mit einem 160
Bit Schl ssel. Freeware
116556 |
1998-03-19 23:04:02 |
Crypto 3.0 Beschreibung: Crypto ist ein kleines Programm, um Dateien
zu verschlue sseln. Die Dateien per Drag&Drop auf das Programm ziehen,
Passwort vergeben und schon sind diese verschluesselt bzw. entschlue
sselt. Freeware
51345 |
1997-06-06 21:06:44 |
(v1.5) ctlnch15.zip - CT Launcher v1.5 The function of this 32 bit,
Windows 95 program is to create a taskbar tray icon from which you can
launch whatever programs you wish by accessing a right-click menu.
VB40032.DLL required. Shareware $12.00 U.S. CT Software:
Ron2222@aol.com. http://members.aol.com/ron2222
D2F32.ZIP |
663640 |
1997-06-15 05:55:08 |
Directory to File Program v1.00 for Win95 |
D2F32.ZIP |
DA1041.ZIP |
1018412 |
1997-07-06 13:16:04 |
DiskArella is an inexpensive easy to use utility for 32-bit Windows.
It was designed to help the novice and/or experienced user quickly
find and remove obsolete files, files that are just gathering dust on
your hard drive.
DA1041.ZIP |
DA321.ZIP |
1000421 |
1997-06-13 06:03:14 |
DiskArella is an easy to use file utility (for Windows 95) that helps
you recover disk space lost when time goes by and files begin to
gather up. It helps you deal with files you forgot about and even
files you never new existed. Other features: Cluster
DA321.ZIP |
1016521 |
1997-06-15 23:58:36 |
DiskArella helps you recover disk space lost when time goes by and
files begin to gather up on your hard drive. It helps you deal with
files you forgot about and even files you never new existed. DA
searches your hard drive for uneeded files, based on you
Publisher/Author: Israel LeBron Product Version Number: 1.0.0 Product
Version Release Date: 4/97 Registration Price: $14.75 Basic Platform:
Windows 95, NT Product Category: File Utility, Disk Utility Product
Distribution Category: Shareware freely distributable Keywords: Disk
Utilities, File Utilities, Disk Space, DiskArella
345947 |
1997-07-03 05:01:46 |
DiskArella is an inexpensive easy to use utility for 32-bit Windows.
It was designed to help the novice and/or experienced user quickly
find and remove obsolete files, files that are just gathering dust on
your hard drive. WIN95 fileutil
32276 |
1999-03-16 13:04:06 |
Dateidurchnumerierungsprogramm fuer Win9.x |
1963246 |
1997-12-31 17:20:00 |
"Dateitypen 97 fuer Windows 95", Ver 1.2 Mit "Dateitypen 97 fuer
Windows 95" koennen komfortabel und uebersichtlich registrierte
Dateitypen bearbeitet, gesichert und wiederhergestellt werden, so da
jederzeit ungewollte Aenderungen der Dateiverknuepfungen durch andere
Programme rueckgaengig gemacht werden koennen. In der
Shareware-Version koe nnen nur 10 Dateitypen gesichert und
wiederhergestellt werden. Registrierung: 19,- DM (14,- DM fuer
registrierte Anwender anderer Software vom Programmautor) Thomas
Leupold Heinrich-Luebke-Strasse 8 60488 Frankfurt am Main Tel.:
069/976404-30 Fax.: 069/976404-40 ThomasLeupold@t-online.de
DCCV45_1.ZIP |
1434634 |
1997-06-26 13:44:30 |
DCC 4.5 - DOS Command Center, Disk 1/2 |
DCCV45_1.ZIP |
DCCV45_2.ZIP |
1453405 |
1997-06-26 13:44:48 |
DCC 4.5 - DOS Command Center, Disk 2/2 Das Original - Neu: Das
perfekte Bindeglied zwischen gewohntem DOS-Bedienkomfort und der
Vielseitigkeit und Funktionalitaet von Windows95 und Windows NT.
Unterstuetzt lange Dateinamen unter Windows95 sowie zahlreiche
Optionen wie beispielsweise das Loeschen von Dateien mit Hilfe der
Recycle Bin oder der kontinuierlichen Ueberwachung des Filesystems -
wichtig bei Aenderungen der Dateistruktur in Multitaskingsystemen.
Dabei bleibt DCC selbstverstaendlich DOS-kompatibel und verfuegt nach
wie vor ueber zahlreiche hilfreiche Funktionen: Drag & Drop bei
Dateioperationen, Textviewer fuer zahlreiche Formate,
user-definierte Menues und Dialoge, SCD (Smart Change Directory) fuer
schnelle und clevere Verzeichniswechsel (auch ueber mehrere
Laufwerke hinweg), Synchronisation von Verzeichnissen, Markieren von
Dateien ueber mehrere Verzeichnisse und Lauf- werke, globales
Auswahlfenster u.v.m. Ausfuehrliche Dokumentation enthalten in
DCCV45_2.ZIP |
90624 |
1997-06-02 12:03:58 |
*** DDIR 14.1 *** Directory lister, flags system, hidden and read-only
files; highlights new files; shows DOS file size, true file size and
file "dead space". Full sort/resort. Delete/copy files, interface to
text and graphics file viewers and 8 user defined functions. Print
list. Pack/unpack files. Includes file viewer. Fully customizable.
NOT crippled.
1526976 |
1998-12-18 11:48:16 |
DSE CDROM Ist ein Menuesystem fuer selbstgebrannte CD s. ueber eine
INI-Datei koennen Informationen zu den auf CD gebrannten Programmen
abgerufen werden. In einem Fileopener-Menue klickt man bequem
ausgewaehlte Programme an, um sie dann in ein automatisch
erstelltes temporaeres Verzeichnis zu kopieren. JPG/BMP-Dateien -
zuvor als Screenshot auf der CD abgelegt - werden durch einfaches
Anklicken in DSE CDROM angezeigt. Eine beliebige Sounddatei (WAV)
kann als Einleitung fuer das Menuesystem dienen Das Startlogo kann
nach eigenen Wuenschen veraendert werden. Die Art und Funktionsweise
von DSE CDROM ist vergleichbar mit vielen Menuesystemen, wie wir
sie bereits von Shareware-CD s aus handelsueblichen
Computer-Fachzeitschriften kennen.
105216 |
1997-07-08 12:17:04 |
DeskWipe - minimize all active windows |
DF95.ZIP |
1034078 |
1997-06-11 06:18:42 |
<ASP> Drag And File v3.54 for Win95/NT - File Manager
DF95.ZIP |
1846719 |
1997-05-28 12:20:32 |
<ASP> Drag And File Gold v3.54 for Win95/NT - File/Zip Man.
141424 |
1997-06-16 02:51:56 |
DIRCOMP.EXE (7.04): Updates files in one subdirectory based on files
in another subdirectory. Similar in some ways to DOS's REPLACE
command but adds ability to delete extra files in the destination
subdirectory, copy hidden and system files, and prepare a report
showing inconsistencies. Is frequently used by network administrators
to update workstation files. Freeware. Bruce Guthrie / Wayne Software
80772 |
1998-04-16 11:49:50 |
DirPrint 3.0.1 Beschreibung: DirPrint druckt eine Liste mit allen
Dateien eines Verzeichnisses und Unterverzeichnisse aus dem Windows
24731 |
1997-02-23 18:08:00 |
DirSize v2.8 Simon Carter,Crystal Software DirSize shows you a
graphical tree of your directories with their size and wasted space as
either a % or a total. You can exclude directories below a given depth
and/or less than a given size. Multi-level directories have summary
statistics, very useful for finding the complete size of applications
before deletion or backup or for finding network space hogs. Displays
Windows 95 long filenames. For the drive, displays cluster size, free
space, used space and capacity. For the files examined, displays used
space and wasted space, and can show wasted space for a given cluster
size. Automatically paginates output. Rounds up file sizes to the
cluster size for the most accurate size information. Sorting can be
disabled. Output can be redirected to a file or printer. Continuous
progress indicator. DOS 3.0+, 100k memory, 25k disk.
642421 |
1997-04-09 10:26:28 |
Floppy Disk Catalogue Utility for Win95 |
613403 |
1998-12-29 06:01:00 |
DiskMan for Windows - Version 3.0 |
247232 |
1998-07-03 21:19:08 |
DiskCats 1.5 Beschreibung: DiskCat archiviert Verzeichnisstrukturen
von Disketten und anderen Datentraegern und erlaubt eine schnelle
Lokalisierung von archivierten Dateien. Shareware
DN150_1.ZIP |
555682 |
1997-05-20 09:42:02 |
Dos Navigator 1.50 MAIN FILE Copyright(C)1991-97 RIT S.R.L The most
powerful DOS Shell available anywhere! Multi-windowed interface,disk
utilities, comprehensive File Manager, 17 types of archives
supported,powerful customizable editor, spreadsheet, comms Terminal
with TTY,ANSI VT100 and Avatar emulation, X/Y/Zmodem,Kermit protocols.
DN150_1.ZIP |
DN150_3.ZIP |
172179 |
1997-05-19 16:08:00 |
Dos Navigator 1.50 - RUSSIAN |
DN150_3.ZIP |
DOS223.ZIP |
154005 |
1997-06-12 12:42:22 |
DOS Menu (Easy PC Menu) by MicroFox Company. Very simple Menu and
Security System for all versions of DOS. DOSnnn.ZIP contains DOS Menu,
Help System, and User Guide. It has Lotus 1-2-3 style menu system with
password protection, on-line help and mouse support. DOS Menu is not a
TSR and frees all memory. Also has Screen Blanker, 10,000 menu
entries, macros and built-in menu action functions. Author: Jim Hass,
Member: [ASAD] <ASP> {STAR}
DOS223.ZIP |
47963 |
1997-06-27 09:05:24 |
(v2.2) DOSLFNBK: Win95 Long Filename Backup. Backs up Win95 long
filenames and attributes from DOS or a DOS window. This allows you to
use older DOS-based backup and archive programs with Win95. It also
makes it possible to recover from a catastrophic disk crash without
re-installing Win95 first. Runs in DOS or Win95. Shareware.
1728715 |
1998-05-18 21:40:28 |
Dr.Cleaner 98 2.2 Dieses Programm hilft ueberfluessige Dateien zu
finden, und sie zu entfernen.
234066 |
1998-03-01 03:00:48 |
Drive Options 2.0 Beschreibung: Drive Options kann das Icon der
Festplatten aendern und nuetzliche Menue-Optionen bei diesen
hinzufuegen. Bei Wechselmedien koennen nach dem Einlegen Programme
ausgefuehrt werden. Freeware
160074 |
1997-03-12 06:27:10 |
Creates image file of hard disk for later restore
DS_S114B.ZIP |
417256 |
1999-01-25 10:45:28 |
DiskState - Win32 (i386) v1.14 SR1 This program reports the current
state of your disks: total MegaBytes and GigaBytes, the amount of
space used and free, and the useable swap space ( memory usage under
WinNT ) ; it browses through the folder structure and displays a pie
chart of the usage results.
DS_S114B.ZIP |
343413 |
1998-06-06 23:33:38 |
Toolkit 2.65 Zusatzdatei fuer deutschspachige Oberflaeche |
DTTM9531.ZIP |
306575 |
1997-06-16 02:52:06 |
Date/Time Changer 95 Version 3.1 for Windows 95/NT. Change the
Date/Time and attributes of any file. Runs on any Windows 95/NT PC. To
Install run SETUP.EXE and follow the on screen instructions. Windows
3.1 Version available from ABSTRACT media. Shareware by ABSTRACT
media! R E G I S T R A T I O N For Tech support & Updates!
$10.00 Email Registration. (No Disk) $15.00 Inside the US Postal
Registration $20.00 Outside the US Postal Registration $20.00 Inside
the US with Delphi 2.0 Source $25.00 Outside the US with Delphi 2.0
Source $10.00 Online Registration VISA / Master Card Prices subject
to change without notice. Vendors see DTTM95.hlp for restrictions and
distribution requirements. by David Scarbrough ABSTRACT media
AbstractMedia@juno.com AbstractSales@juno.com AbstractSupport@juno.com
http://www.abstractmedia.com/ http://www.getsoftware.com/
DTTM9531.ZIP |
534320 |
1997-11-19 10:20:34 |
Duplication Factory v1.5: Create disk images A complete diskette
duplication and cataloging solution for Windows 95/NT. By creating an
image of the source disk and storing it on your hard drive or sharing
it on a network drive, you'll be able to create exact duplicates in
record time. Data verification detects problems immediately, ensuring
exact copies. Features disk image creation, data integrity checking
and high speed copying at the disk sector level. Organize and catalog
your master images using long filenames and convenient projects.
Perfect for network administrators, software developers, hobbyists and
business users. Special requirements: None. Shareware. Uploaded by
the author.
DW_102.ZIP |
4663861 |
1998-02-09 17:02:00 |
Dos Command Center fuer Windows v1.02 ---== 32-Bit fuer Win95 / NT 4.x
==--- Nicht nur eine Windowsumsetzung des be- kannten
Dos-Dateimanagers! Zusaetzlich zur fast identischen Be- dienung und
einer Kommandozeile, bietet DCC fuer Windows alle Vorteile eines
Windows-Dateimanagers. DCC fuer Windows integriert nun Packer fuer
ZIP und LHA, die auch lange Datei- namen verarbeiten. Entpacken ist
ohne zusaetzliche Programme bei folgenden Formaten moeglich: ZIP,
ausserdem einige leist- ungsstarke Zusatzprogramme, wie z.B. einen
Editor, einen Betrachter mit HTML-Support, einen HexEditor,
sowie eine Quickstart-Leiste. Zusaetzlich bietet DCC 32-Bit SFX-
Support fuer ZIP, LHA und ARJ. Die integrierte Schnellansicht
zeigt ausser einer Ascii-/Hexansicht auch die gaeng- igsten
Grafikformate an. Vollversion: DM 49,00, Upgrade DM 29,00 e-mail:
dcc@emerge.de Website: http://www.emerge.de
DW_102.ZIP |
E20WDE_1.ZIP |
2736817 |
1998-09-05 01:13:30 |
Executor 2 2.0w beta Dieses Porgramm ermoeglicht es Programme fuer den
Mac auf dem PC laufen zu lassen. Es kann MAC Disketten, Mac SCSI
Festplatten und MAC CDs lesen.
E20WDE_1.ZIP |
7415 |
1997-06-27 09:05:28 |
E-note v.1 THIS PROGRAM REQUIRES VBRUN300.DLL ! With this program you
can write down your notes. The program is very easy to use. It has two
note windows. Press the ">" button for dual window mode, and "<" for
single window mode (default). Just type whatever you want in the note
windows. Then press the "bye" button to save your notes and shut down
the program.
ES20132.ZIP |
599734 |
1997-06-27 12:37:48 |
File Splitter For 95/NT |
ES20132.ZIP |
ES20432.ZIP |
689345 |
1997-07-09 02:24:00 |
EZ-Split v2.04: File splitter for Win95/NT4.0 |
ES20432.ZIP |
ES20532.ZIP |
691623 |
1997-07-09 11:54:14 |
File Splitter For 95/NT |
ES20532.ZIP |
1438291 |
1997-06-09 13:56:00 |
Tech support from 1,000 hardware and software companies
90307 |
1998-02-14 22:44:44 |
ExpPrint 1.2 Beschreibung: ExpPrint ermoe glicht einen im Explorer
duch ein Kontext-Menue eine Liste des aktuellen Verzeichnisses
auszudrucken. Freeware
F108_110.ZIP |
1324664 |
1998-12-29 06:03:46 |
Feurio Update 1.08 - 1.10 beta |
F108_110.ZIP |
242880 |
1997-06-13 13:09:30 |
File Date Changer v1.2 for Windows |
1767838 |
1997-06-15 07:55:02 |
The fastest file-split/merge utility - fully functional
810886 |
1999-01-27 11:12:24 |
WinXCopy 99 Version 2.2 |
FIF_V100.ZIP |
510230 |
1997-02-26 01:14:26 |
Version 1.00 of FindItFast. WIN95 Text Finder: Performing searches on
text files (phone lists, file number, inventory lists etc) Explorer
Sychronizer / DOS Shell Launcher: Enter a couple of letters of the
folder name where you want Explorer or a DOS shell to start up in and
you're there. Directory Monitor: Monitor changes to directories (no
limit to the number of direcoties). Know when that download is
finished and for system administrators; know when changes are made in
any system directory you specify.
FIF_V100.ZIP |
104168 |
1997-06-16 02:52:00 |
FILL.EXE (7.04): Program designed to move files off to floppy
diskettes, taking the biggest files first and skipping those that
won't fit. Also works fine for transfers to/from DOS-compatible
networks, removable drives, etc. Also supports splitting large files,
creating a status report, and other features. Freeware. Bruce Guthrie
/ Wayne Software
77079 |
1997-06-16 02:51:38 |
FILUPDAT.EXE (7.04): Program which compares a selected list of files
in a source path against those in another path and copies those that
have been updated. Similar to DOS' REPLACE command but works from a
stored list of files (controlled updates) and can handle any number of
directories. Freeware. Bruce Guthrie / U.S. Dept of Commerce
1199093 |
1998-11-16 10:14:42 |
FileBack PC 3.11 Beta - July 27, 1998 Release Thank you for your
recent purchase or taking to evaluate FileBack PC. You have selected
premiere file backup software utilities avai Windows 95 and NT.
60153 |
1997-07-05 09:37:00 |
File Locate v1.22b - Freeware |
FN16V200.ZIP |
409289 |
1997-06-16 02:51:44 |
File Navigator For Windows is a Microsoft Windows based file
management utility. File Navigator For Windows provides for easy
management of such standard file types as the Fidonet QWK/REP mail
packets, archive files (ZIP, ARJ, LHA, and EXE), TXT files, as well as
GIF and JPG graphics files. In addition, it provides for up to 9
user-defined file extensions.
FN16V200.ZIP |
156707 |
1997-06-14 06:48:00 |
FindDupl - Windows 95/NT program to help recover disk space. Shows
files which are duplicated across one or more disk drives, and allows
you to delete the duplicate files. Borland Delphi 2.01 with most
source. david.taylor@gecm.com
121552 |
1997-04-02 00:37:20 |
A utility to split large files into smaller pieces
275897 |
1997-06-27 03:19:52 |
GRBack: Backup for Windows 95/NT Ver. 1.90. This Full Functional
Shareware 32-bit program can help you maintaining your important data.
It recreate your source directory tree into the destination drive and
for every directory it create a PKZIP compatible (with long file name
support) archive. Fully customizable: include, exclude files, skip
directories. Fully Microsoft System Agent aware. Quick. Support
network and removable drives. National language interfaces supported.
DN PowerPack (available for registered users) gives possibility to
create your own interface with new look-and-feel. Russian user
interface available right now.German, Swedish, Dutch, Hebrew will be
available soon.Russian resources and documentation are placed in this
277358 |
1997-07-05 06:56:46 |
GRDUW Disk Utility for Windows 95 V2.60. Windows 32bit Shareware (NOT
run on Win/NT). Support for 720Kb, 1.2Mb, 1.44Mb, 1.72Mb and MS-DMF
(1.68Mb) diskettes. Duplicate and Compare diskettes. Save and Load
Diskette binary images. Boot sector check and recreate. Optimized disk
Format and Verify. Detailed disk information. Hard Disk/Diskette
Repair capability. Completely integrated with the explorer. 40US$.
3174885 |
1997-07-02 11:47:10 |
Span or split files, make them self uniting EXE's |
160606 |
1999-01-08 07:03:52 |
Hagai's CD Changer For 32-bit Windows Development Version 1.0 FREEWARE
Hagai's CD Changer is a small icon in the taskbar that help you
open and close your CD-ROM Drive quickly. Single click with left
button of the mouse on the icon will open the drive, double click
with left button will close the drive. Click with the right button
will show a menu. This program is written in Visual Basic 5.0 and
required RunTime DLL's (MSVBVM50.DLL & OLEAUT32.DLL)
7193203 |
1999-04-17 07:00:58 |
HyCD Play&Record for Windows 95/98 An integrated software that
supports CD Copy, audio extraction(CD Ripper), MP3 Encoding, MP3
Decoding, Audio Resampleing, Audio Effects, CD Record- ing with a
very cool MP3 Player for CD, WAVE and MP3 files.
HD95CP22.ZIP |
63323 |
1997-06-13 05:55:38 |
HD95Copy v2.2 - Win95 Backup Program |
HD95CP22.ZIP |
69622 |
1998-01-14 22:34:06 |
HDSleep 1.50 Beschreibung: Mit HDSleep kann man die Abschaltzeiten
fuer einzelne oder alle IDE-Festplatten einstellen und mit einem
Mausklick dieses Power-Management ein- oder ausschalten. Shareware
112818 |
1997-07-04 06:12:44 |
HJSPLIT v1.4 for Win95/NT - File splitter |
72901 |
1997-06-03 07:14:56 |
Hot DIR Plus v7.5 - Enhanced DIR utility |
432075 |
1997-05-18 02:34:08 |
HyperSnap-DX V.3.02 (W95) - Allows you to
30538 |
1998-04-28 23:44:46 |
IcoBar fuer Windows 95-98-NT Ein Anwendung-Startgeraet fuer Windows
(R) 95-98-NT
IDA140B5.ZIP |
757223 |
1997-06-04 12:36:40 |
Provides access to all diskdrives from the traybar
IDA140B5.ZIP |
IDA141.ZIP |
759826 |
1997-06-12 03:21:34 |
Provides instant access to drives from the traybar
IDA141.ZIP |
703777 |
1997-07-02 02:32:38 |
JWALL is a shareware wallpaper manager for Windows 95 or Windows NT
4.0 and above. It features JPG support (no more huge BMP's), random
wallpaper selection, automated changing of wallpaper on every bootup
or at regular intervals, image resizing(registered version),
true-color conversion(registered version).
1100480 |
1998-05-08 13:45:10 |
Kat-CeDe 2.5 CD-Rom-Katalog-Programm unter Win32 (Win95, NT4)
Katalogisiert CD-Roms und sammelt Informationen zu/aus den Dateien,
z.B. FILES.BBS und FILE_ID.DIZ CharityWare von Ralf Biedermann Ortfeld
3 D-27299 Langwedel
936681 |
1998-05-13 11:17:32 |
Krypter98 Beschreibung: Nach der Installation von Krypter98 erscheint
im Kontextmen des Explorers der neue Eintrag "Verschl sseln". Fortan
kann man pers nlichen Ordner mit sensiblen Daten ueber diesen Eintrag
sch tzen. Shareware
114975 |
1997-06-19 11:03:26 |
142247 |
1998-05-11 04:45:00 |
Execute File Locker 1.1 Ausfuehrbare EXE-Dateien lassen sich mit
diesem Programm mit einem Passwort-Schutz versehen.
MC40W95.ZIP |
294290 |
1998-05-26 06:57:48 |
Midnight Commander 4.0 Windows 95 Das vermutlich am haeufigsten
nachempfundene Programm der juengeren Computergeschichte ist der
Norton Commander. Ein sehr beliebter Unix-Clone ist der Midnight
Commander, der beispielsweise bei einer Reihe von Linux-Distributionen
standardmaessig installiert wird. Dieses nuetzliche Tool schickt sich
jetzt an, den Kreis seiner Entwicklung zu schliessen. Seit kuerzerer
Zeit befindet sich naemlich neben einer OS/2-Variante auch eine
Version fuer Windows95/NT im Umlauf.
MC40W95.ZIP |
3659832 |
1999-02-28 01:59:54 |
MenuORC 1.0 AutoStart Menues fuer CDs erstellen. |
3911783 |
1999-04-15 11:15:18 |
CDORC-MenuORC 2.0 CD-Menues erstellen. |
505863 |
1997-06-13 06:00:38 |
More Space Windows '95 Disk Utility - reclaim valuable disk space.
Locates file duplicates, file hogs, old and obsolete files. Files can
be immediately deleted or automatically sent to the recycle bin.
506946 |
1997-05-27 13:05:52 |
More Space Windows '95 Disk Utility - reclaim valuable disk space.
Locates file duplicates, file hogs, old and obsolete files. Files can
be immediately deleted or automatically sent to the recycle bin.
505863 |
1997-06-13 05:53:44 |
More Space Windows '95 Disk Utility - reclaim valuable disk space.
Locates file duplicates, file hogs, old and obsolete files. Files can
be immediately deleted or automatically sent to the recycle bin.
686430 |
1997-07-06 08:08:12 |
Visual Basic Runtime v5.0 |
1103239 |
1998-05-31 21:16:54 |
NAP98 1.03 System: Win95/NT Beschreibung: NAP98 ermoeglicht Programme
und Dokumente schneller zu starten. Es legt in der Startleiste
beliebig viele Verknuepfungen an. Jede Verknuepfung kann mehrere
Programm- und Dokumentverknuepfungen beinhalten, so da man mit einem
Klick alle Programme und Dokumente mit einem Klick starten kann. Zudem
unterstuetzt es mehrere Programmgruppen und bietet mehrere Tools, die
das Leben erleichtern, wie z.B. einem Kalender mit Zusatzfunktionen
neben der Uhr oder einer Bildschirmschonerkontrollen, Beenden des
Systems mit einem Mausklick u.s.w. Shareware
337507 |
1998-05-13 11:20:58 |
Nico's Commander 4.02 Beschreibung: Nico's Commander ist ein
Dateimanager im Stiel des DOS-Klassiker NortonCommander. Ein
Packer/Entpacker fuer ZIP-Dateien ist eingebaut, Dateien und
Verzeichnisse koennen verglichen werden und ueber Buttons kann man
schnell Programme starten. Shareware
201458 |
1997-07-05 09:38:20 |
(v2.3) NCom - win/file/document Norbert Commander is a file/document
manager with some similarities to the DOS age Norton Commander. It
implements a true file oriented approach with template files and is
also able to handle long file names even in MS-Windows V3.1. It does
not require a mouse and is thus usefull for Notebooks. It uses the
4DOS "descript.ion" file format. Shareware (US$25.- MC/Visa/AmEx)
917066 |
1999-04-15 11:18:48 |
Nico's Commander Beschreibung: Nico's Commander ist ein Datei im Stiel
des DOS-Klassiker NortonCommander. Packer/Entpacker fuer ZIP-Dateien
ist eingeb Dateien und Verzeichnisse koennen verglichen und ueber
Buttons kann man schnell Programme
47194 |
1997-06-20 04:23:40 |
NetDate v3.00 for Win95/NT 4.0 |
NE4013UP.ZIP |
2211770 |
1999-04-04 05:12:58 |
Nero Burning Rom - CD Writer Software Update auf |
NE4013UP.ZIP |
32723 |
1998-05-06 08:12:16 |
NTFS-DOS liest unter DOS oder Windows 95 das NTFS-Dateisystem. |
28878 |
1997-06-19 08:26:28 |
Backup long file names on Win95/NT |
193523 |
1997-06-13 05:53:38 |
Drag-and-drop software distribution for NetWare
1627181 |
1998-11-26 09:17:20 |
OPUS 2000 Professional 1997/98 by Kevin Wi A powerful, far reaching,
flexible, comprehe original, innovative, once you use it you ca
directory manager packed full of so many use & utilities that you`ll
wonder how you ever disk, zip drives, floppies etc.*
1320104 |
1997-07-08 12:17:56 |
Decodes ZIP,UUE,MIME+built-in multi-pic.viewer,recorder |
135586 |
1998-05-13 11:21:44 |
Password Keeper 3.8 Beschreibung: Mit Password Keeper kann man
Passwoerter und dazugehoerige Informationen in einer Datenbank
speichern. Ueber die Zwischenablage koennen diese in das
Anmelde-Programm kopiert werden. Die Passwort-Datei wird durch ein
Pass wort geschuetz und verschluesselt gespeichert. Shareware
PB125.ZIP |
94036 |
1997-06-27 09:05:32 |
PowerBar v1.25 WIN95/NT4.0 Powerful toolbar with many features. Some
Features Instant drive access,Drag/Drop support, Analog Clock, Quick
resolution change, Realtime memory monitor,Free disk space. Color
effect/bitmaps in background, IE look , Tooltip , Autohide , AutoZoom,
Shortcut menus on all objects including shells shortcut menus like
properties, eject,autoplay,find,explore,open etc. All items are Drop
Targets. Multiply columns Easy configuration. Setup parameters for all
items. Low memory usage no extra dll's. Shareware, US$20 full
registration. 26-04-97 release 1.25
PB125.ZIP |
2263681 |
1999-03-10 09:57:08 |
Mit PowerCat lassen sich Festplatten, CD-ROM's und alle anderen
Datentraeger in einer Datenbank erfassen. Wenn Sie eine bestimmte
Datei suchen, brauchen Sie nicht mehr jede einzelne CD durch- suchen.
Sie suchen einfach in Ihrer Datenbank. Erfasst werden auch ZIP
Archive und deren Inhalt, die Arbeits- oberflaeche ist dem Windows
Explorer sehr aehnlich so dass man sich sehr schnell zurecht
2180390 |
1997-06-19 08:25:58 |
PCOpus 1.60d Evaluation Latest version of the filemanager, tons of
changes, improvements and bugfixes ! News: *Commandline *Direct access
to directory entries in most requesters *Reckons the space really
needed on a drive now *Tree-mode *Each button can have its own font
*Window separator is now moveable *New Option: Always in back *Speed
up of Archive-entering by 25%, still slow, anyway -Wind*ws 95 and NT
ONLY !! -72 internal commands -unlimited number of external commands
-colors freely configurable -Win95 filetypes -Userdefined filetypes (5
freely definable functions per filetype) -Buttonbank freely
configurable (Commands and number of buttons per row and line) -nearly
unlimited number of buttons -support for ARJ, RAR, ZIP, LHA, D64, CAB
files -intuitive userinterface (everybody loves the right doubleclick
:-)) -predefined colorschemes -programmer who is always open for
suggestions and ideas -cheap ! -funny about requester and installer
-not the fastest, but the most flexible
2223219 |
1997-07-08 02:49:12 |
PCOpus 1.70c Evaluation Latest version of the filemanager, again some
interesting changes ... Some News: *Better Windowseparator *FAAAAST
entering of ZIP, ARJ, LHA and RAR archives *Finally it is possible to
cancel operations *Automatic Archive recognition *Several Speed-ups
*You can create batch processes with internal commands now
*Languagefiles for english and german now included -Wind*ws 95 and NT
ONLY !! -78 internal commands -unlimited number of external commands
-colors freely configurable -Win95 filetypes -Userdefined filetypes (5
freely definable functions per filetype) -Buttonbank freely
configurable (Commands and number of buttons per row and line) -nearly
unlimited number of buttons -support for ARJ, RAR, ZIP, LHA, D64, CAB
files -intuitive userinterface (everybody loves the right doubleclick
:-)) -predefined colorschemes -programmer who is always open for
suggestions and ideas -cheap ! -funny about requester and installer
-not the fastest, but the most flexible filemanager
2470023 |
1998-04-07 23:28:02 |
PcOpus 2.00e Beschreibung: PcOpus ist ein Dateimanager im
Archiveunterstuetzung (ZIP,ARJ, RAR, LHA). Bei der Dateiumbenennung
koennen auch Wildcards benutzt werden. Shareware
2431776 |
1998-05-13 11:22:22 |
PcOpus 2.1d Beschreibung: PcOpus ist ein Dateimanager im
Archiveunterstuetzung (ZIP,ARJ, RAR, LHA). Bei der Dateiumbenennung
koennen auch Wildcards benutzt werden. Shareware
2244681 |
1998-08-10 00:05:52 |
PcOpus 2.15b System: Win9x/NT Beschreibung: PcOpus ist ein
Dateimanager im Archiveunterstuetzung (ZIP,ARJ, RAR, LHA). Bei der
Dateiumbenennung koennen auch Wildcards benutzt werden. Shareware
372841 |
1997-06-20 04:24:12 |
Win32 Front-End for PGP public key envryption software |
224886 |
1998-05-21 23:43:34 |
Properties Plus 1.65 Beschreibung: Properties Plus erweitert den
Explorer um ein Kontext-Men mit dem man nderungen am Dateinamen,
-erweiterung und -zeit vornehmen kann Freeware
1485381 |
1997-08-12 13:46:16 |
Display/print file names/sizes for a directory PrintDir32 is a 32-bit
Windows program that will print out file listings and file sizes of
the directory you specify in the main window of this program. You can
select from your available hard drives and directories. Networked
drives only work with this program if they are mapped to a drive
letter. You have the option to list only archive files, or to also
view system and hidden files. The total number of files and their
total size is displayed at the bottom of the screen. Freeware.
Uploaded by the author.
1205828 |
1998-02-27 10:02:48 |
-= DER Festplattenschrubber f. Win95 =- Purgatio Pro 1.0a - Purgatio
Pro ist der Festplattenschrubber fuer Ihren PC. Purgatio
entfernt im Handumdrehen ver- schiedene Arten von Muelldateien,
die Ihre Festplatte unnoetig belasten. Puagtio kann zum Beispiel
*.bak, *.tmp, *.$$$ und aehnlichen Muell entfernen. Auch das
Reinigen der Festplatte von Dateileichen (0-Byte-Dateien) und das
Leeren des "Recent-Document"-Ordners ist hier ein Kinderspiel.
- Purgatio Pro bietet Ihnen sogar die Moeglich- keit, Ihre
Platte von defekten Ver- knuepfungen etc. zu befreien. Sie sollten
sich dieses neue Programm nicht entgehen lassen, denn es wird
Ihnen Etliches an Festplattenplatz zurueckbringen. Homepage:
http://Abelssoft.home.pages.de E-Mail : Abelssoft@gmx.net .
51140 |
1997-06-06 21:06:50 |
(v1.2) qcopy12.zip - QuickCopy v1.2 The function of this 32 bit,
Windows 95 program is to create a taskbar tray icon from which you can
copy text files very quickly to the clipboard. VB40032.DLL required.
Shareware $12.00 U.S. CT Software: Ron2222@aol.com.
QS30.ZIP |
439 |
1997-05-18 02:34:10 |
QStart is a powerful yet easy-to-use button bar for Windows 3.x and
Windows 95/NT, designed to simplify access to the Windows environment
for users of all skill levels. QStart from GT Technologies can be
autoconfigured on install to create button pages that correspond to
the Windows Program Manager groups. QStart is also totally
customizable, and it can be modified to fit specific needs at any
time. Both 16-bit (Windows 3.x) and 32-bit (Windows 95/NT) versions
are included in this download.
QS30.ZIP |
RDOC9710.ZIP |
491541 |
1997-11-20 14:55:30 |
Windows 95/NT Start Menu Documents enhancer Recent Documents 97 for
Windows 95/NT. Enhances the Windows95/NT Documents option on the Start
Menu to provide a more usable and featured option. .Document entries
can be viewed in various formats, including more information (path,
reference date and time etc.), grouped, categorized, aged, deleted.
Rule based processing allows categorization based on name, type etc.
and inclusion or exclusion of particular documents. Special
requirements: None. Shareware. Uploaded by the author's agent.
RDOC9710.ZIP |
1118548 |
1997-08-12 13:47:08 |
Backup for Win95 and removable disk drives |
91884 |
1997-02-26 01:11:58 |
Rename 1.33d. allows users to rename a large block of files with
different names.
2083 |
1997-06-18 16:50:34 |
Windows, restarts without shutting down |
15814 |
1997-06-06 21:06:46 |
RMDFS - ROSE's multi decoded file splitter. Splits and decodes a big
MAIL/UUE/MIME file containing multiple MAIL/UUE/MIME files into their
original files back. This one works fine with UNIX mail (PINE) etc.
Freeware, source code (LEX) included. With UU-Heal (+PAS-Src), to
repair garbled uudecoded files. - Program: RMDFS - Version: 1.12 -
Release: 16.05.97 - Archive: rmdfs11.rar - Diskset: [o1/o1] -
Category: MAIL/UUE/MINE UTILITY - Author: ROSE Softwareentwicklung,
Roth - Requirements: DOS 3.3/1 MB RAM/AT - Installation: rar x, unrar
- Documentation: rmdfs.lex - Execution: doit - Registration: Freeware!
116640 |
1997-08-22 10:14:20 |
Batch rename and organize your files in Win95 Rname-it v2.8 is a Win95
filename manager. It allows the user to select multiple files and
batch rename them. Files can easily be organized and grouped by
renaming to a new common prefix and padded with a unique value for
sorting purposes. Special requirements: None. Changes: Added more file
rename options and fixed all small bugs. Freeware. Uploaded by the
RZSP9712.ZIP |
822477 |
1997-08-31 11:03:26 |
32-bit utility splits and joins any size files A 32-bit utility to
split and join any file very quickly. There is an option to verify
split files as well. Can split files two ways including RAW mode so
they can be rebuilt from a .BAT file. Has a built-in ZIP feature to
ZIP files before split process. Split files are also compatible with
DOS and 16-bit versions. Special requirements: None. Changes:
Additional features added. Shareware. Uploaded by the author.
RZSP9712.ZIP |
S32_20.ZIP |
372421 |
1997-02-26 01:14:12 |
Search32 v2.0 Search32 is the fastest 32-bit text retrieval tool for
Windows 95 and Windows NT operating systems. Designed for frequent
word or word combination retrieval from text files (ASCII/ANSI)
totaling tens or even hundreds of Megabytes. Unlike standard search
programs, such as Windows 95's Find tool, Search32 uses specially
created ancillary index files. This requires additional disk space
(index file size is usually 30 - 60% of source files) but performs
searches amazingly fast. Especially useful when performing numerous
search queries on the same groups of files. Index creation is fast and
S32_20.ZIP |
212757 |
1998-03-30 23:11:22 |
Servant Salamander 1.51 Beschreibung: Der Dateimanager Servant
Salamander wird ueber zwei Fenster gesteuert. Konfigurationsmoe
glichkeiten dieses Tools sind sehr gut. Es ist z.B. moeglich:
Shortcuts zu definieren, das Aussehen der Programmoberflaeche zu ver
aendern, Editoren und Grafikbetrachter vorzubelegen u.v.m.. Freeware
109385 |
1998-05-13 11:24:42 |
Send To Printer 1.0 Beschreibung: Das Programm ergaenzt das "Senden
an"-Menue (rechte Maustaste im Explorer) um den Eintrag "A Printer".
Dadurch kann man eine oder mehrere Textdateien zum Ausdrucken an einen
installierten Drucker senden. Freeware
1458782 |
1998-05-25 05:32:34 |
Just Another Commander 1.1 Beschreibung: Just Another Commander ist
ein Dateimanager im NortenCommander-Look mit vollstaendige
Archivunterstuetzung (ZIP, ARJ, LHA, RAR, ZOO, ARC), einer erweiterte
Suchfunktion und einer DOS-Befehlszeile. Das Programm kann grosse
Datein aufsplitten und Verzeichnisse miteinander vergleichen.
704109 |
1998-06-06 23:34:22 |
Toolkit 2.65 Beschreibung: Directory Toolkit ist eine Mischung aus
Archivemanager und Dateimanager. Das Programm ermoeglicht das
Umbenennen, kopieren, verschieben und l schen von Dateien auch mit
langen Dateinamen mittels Platzhalter (Wildcards). Es vergleicht
Verzeichnisse und/oder Archive und teilt Archive in mehrere Teile. Die
Archive werden innerhalb des Programmes wie Verzeichnisse behandelt.
1011486 |
1997-06-13 06:01:16 |
RAS+ 95 Beta 4 (Build 136) Exp: 05/31/97 |
814877 |
1998-06-06 23:45:40 |
Search and Replace 2.90 Beschreibung: |
731837 |
1998-08-27 21:48:16 |
Shredder 95 1.09 Durch mehrmaliges Loeschen und ueberschreiben werden
Dateien wirklich von der Festplatte geloescht und sind nicht
177453 |
1997-06-15 02:27:14 |
ShowMan - Windows 95/NT program to help recover disk space. Gives
pie-chart view of disk usage, with the ability to drill down into
directories. Shows actual or nominal space occupied. Borland Delphi
2.01 with source. david.taylor@gecm.com
2225518 |
1998-11-14 05:28:38 |
Slack-O-Meter 98 FAT-Partitionen sind nach wie vor in. Doch je
groesser eine solche Partition ist, um so groesser ist auch die
prinzipbedingte Platzverschwendung darauf. Das Slack-O-Meter
ermittelt, ob sich eine Verkleinerung der Partition lohnt. Win95/98/NT
322500 |
1998-04-23 03:26:58 |
Start Menu Changer ' 97 2.5 Beschreibung: Mit dem Start Menu Changer
koennen die Eintraege und Icons im Start-Menue geaendert und teilweise
ausgeblendet werden. Hierbei werden eine Vielzahl der verschiedenen
Sprachversionen von Windows und die Shell-Integration des Internet
Explorers 4.x unterstuetzt, jedoch (noch) nicht NT und Win98 Beta.
601904 |
1997-04-09 10:26:52 |
(v5.3) snpro53.zip - Backup Utility Safety Net is a utility for
backing up key files. It has 1 default setting - to backup key
"windows" & system files - & 5 user configurable options. Safety Net
could easily backup all of your DOC and/or database files, for
example. An added function - the files can be ZIPped to disk. It can
also print your directory tree. VB40032.DLL required. Ron Parker (CT
Software) ron2222@aol.com.
537407 |
1997-06-17 01:58:12 |
(v1.0) snpsht10.zip - SnapShot v1.0 The function of this program is to
allow the user to monitor any changes to the WINDOWS and
WINDOWS\SYSTEM directories. The VB4 Runtime Module, VB40032.DLL, is
required to run this program. Shareware $10.00 U.S. Ron Parker (CT
Software) ron2222@aol.com.
4122026 |
1999-03-21 06:53:12 |
SpeedCommander v.6.00 SpeedCommander ist eine reine 32-Bit-Anwendung
und laeuft nur unter Windows 95 und Windows NT 4.0 oder hoeher.Auf
Windows 3.x in Verbindung mit Win32s 1.x sowie Windows NT 3.51 ist
Speed Commander nicht funktionsfaehig.
183170 |
1998-03-11 23:35:02 |
Split Files Shell Extension 2.1b Beschreibung: Dieses Programm kann
Dateien in kleine aufsplittern und spaeter wieder zusammenfuegen. Auch
sich selbst zusammensetzende Exe- Dateien koennen erzeugt werden.
29521 |
1997-06-26 13:46:34 |
Split large binary file into smaller parts |
528457 |
1997-08-31 11:03:48 |
SplitWin: Splits and rejoins large files SplitWin is a utility for
splitting large files into parts and then merging them back to the
original file in the Win95/NT environment. Useful when copying big
files to floppy diskettes or transferring files via e-mail. Each of
the chunks has a header containing information such as the name of the
original file, the size, the number of parts into which the file was
cut, and which part of the file the chunk is. This allows the
elimination of errors that are difficult to prevent in the existing
programs used to divide big files. Example: If the original file name
is MYFILE.ABC then the chunks will have names MYFILE.Z00, MYFILE.Z01,
...MYFILE.Z0n. Changes: Tidied up main screen layout. Change to
author's e-mail address . and home page. Decreased size of
installation file (removed . absolute binaries). Special
requirements: None. Shareware. Uploaded by the author.
528084 |
1997-11-20 14:56:20 |
SplitWin: Splits and rejoins large files SplitWin is a utility for
splitting large files into parts and then merging them back to the
original file in the Win95/NT environment. Useful when copying big
files to floppy diskettes or transferring files via e-mail. Each of
the chunks has a header containing information such as the name of the
original file, the size, the number of parts into which the file was
cut, and which part of the file the chunk is. .This allows the
elimination of errors that are difficult to prevent in the existing
programs used to divide big files. Example: If the original file name
is MYFILE.ABC then the chunks will have names MYFILE.Z00,
MYFILE.Z01,..., MYFILE.Z0n. Special requirements: None. Changes: Bug
fixed. Shareware. Uploaded by the author.
973994 |
1998-02-03 00:25:38 |
Search and Replace 2.88 Beschreibung: Search and Replace durchsucht
Dateien nach einem Suchbegriff und kann diesen durch einen anderen
Begriff ersetzen. Dabei koennen Unterverzeichnisse miteinbezogen
werden wobei auch optional auf Gross -/Kleinschreibweise geachtet
wird. Das Ersetzten ist leider in der Sharewareversion nicht moeglich.
311972 |
1998-03-30 23:15:06 |
Search and Replace 2.89 Beschreibung: Search and Replace durchsucht
Dateinen nach einem Suchbegriff und kann diesen durch einen anderen
Begriff ersetzen. Dabei koennen Unterverzeichnisse miteinbezogen
werden wobei auch optional auf Gross -/Kleinschreibweise geachtet
wird. Das Ersetzten ist leider in der Sharewareversion nicht moeglich.
1756259 |
1998-04-04 02:54:22 |
Setup Specialist 97b Service Pack 3 Beschreibung: Der Setup Specialist
erstellt professionelle Installationsprogramme. Er unterstuetzt
selektive Installationen, Deinstallation, Erstellen von
Programmgruppen, Veraendern der Registry, ueberpruefen von
Systemanforderungen, Billboards, ueberpruefen eines Verfallsdatums,
effiziente Datenkomprimierung, Veraenderung von INI-Dateien,
Kennwortschutz etc.; erstellt eine einzige EXE-Datei, grosse Dateien
werden auf mehrere Disketten verteilt. Shareware
490092 |
1998-05-01 21:01:08 |
Stats98 Beschreibung: Stats98 sammelt Infos ueber die auf der
Festplatte und CD-ROM befindenden Dateien und zeigt die Auswertung in
verschiedenen Grafiken an. Freeware
1575376 |
1997-06-02 12:03:08 |
SuperZip File Compression Utility |
5178298 |
1997-07-02 06:24:18 |
Space search/analysis utility for Win95/NT/Netware |
14487 |
1998-06-12 13:29:46 |
SwTskBar 2.0 Beschreibung: Mit diesem Programm koennen Sie jedes
Programm in der Taskbar abstellen und durch Anklicken starten.
1396456 |
1998-01-08 23:50:42 |
Turbo Browser 98 for Windows 95/NT 4.0 Version 6.0 Copyright (c)
1996-1997 Pacific Gold Coast Corporation. All Rights reserved. Unlock
the Potential of Explorer and Replace a raft of Utilities!
Redistribution of this trial version file is permitted only in exactly
the same form, without repacking, and using the same file name as the
current file at Turbo Browser 98 web site. Other redistribution
requires express written permission from Pacific Gold Coast Corp.
101894 |
1998-12-09 09:29:02 |
Transfer EZ is a DOS executable program designed to copy the
Windows 95/98 operating system files, applications and data files
from an existing hard disk drive to a newly fdisk'd and formatted
hard disk drive.The software is designed to work with standard
installations of Windows 95 / 98 and not with systems running non
standard file systems.Trans- fer EZ is compatible with both FAT16
and FAT32 file systems. (For FAT32 you will need either the OSR2
version of Windows 95, or you will need Windows 98). Transfer EZ will
create a usable bootable drive when used in accordance with these
158037 |
1998-04-17 23:48:06 |
ToolbarPro 1.1 Beschreibung: Durch ToolbarPro erscheint sobald man an
den rechten Rand des Bildschirms kommt eine Symbolleiste. Dort kann
man Verknuepfungen zu Programmen und Datein ablegen und diese spae ter
einfach aufrufen. Shareware